Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hasta La Vista.Goodbye.Selamat Tinggal.

This blog is no more

im moving on to Tumblr

catch me at:

Thank you goodbye blogger!


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Part 2: Closed

Assalamualikum and hellooo

Ok so, results of the final exams dah kluar and Im happy with my results, alhamdulillah.  I hope I can continue the legacy that I have made during diploma dulu, Insyaallah.  Jadi dengan itu, part 2 is closed officially. (Although I am quite disappointed with my INC punye result)

What will be waiting in semester 3:
- 3rd Language (Not sure sama ade nak ambik german or italiano)
- Business and Professional Communication (BEL)
- Ethnic Relations (CTU..we will meet again)
- Communication Theory (scared of this one)
- Communication and Research Methods (pun scared of this one)
- Advertising Copywriting (cant wait for this one!)
- Consumer Behaviour (not sure about this one)
- Minor (not sure sama ade nak ambik CIT or publishing)

oh well, we'll just have to wait and see

p/s: part 2 review coming up


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Gelombang Merah AdKEWAJA

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semuanye. Sihat? Harap2 sihat2 semuanye ye.

Okaylah, pada post kali ni saya hanya nak menceritakan pengalaman kami MC2242A semasa lawatan kami ke Kem Modal Insaniah KEWAJA di Gombak pada 6 April yang lepas.

Setibanya di Kem Modal Insan Kewaja
Apa itu KEWAJA?

Kem Modal Insaniah KEWAJA ini sebenarnye adalah sebuah tempat pemulihan akhlak bagi wanita2 dan gadis yg telah terlanjur yg ingin kembali ke jalan yg benar.  Selain drpd gadis2 yg terlanjur, mereka juga menerima gadis2 yg rosak akhlak seperti kaki ponteng sekolah, kaki rayau dan kaki2 pergaulan bebas ni la. Senang cite, smua yg dkt ctu mempunyai masalah. Pusat pemantapan akhlak ini dikendalikan oleh Ustaz Yahya (atau lebih mesra dikenali sebagai Pak Ya) dan dibantu oleh isteri, Puan Ruzitah serta anak2 dan kakitangan sukarelawan yg lain.

Additional info about KEWAJA:
* Telah beroperasi sejak 1988, dan pada tahun 1996 mereka mula mengandalikan kes2 anak luar nikah, sebelum itu mereka mengendalikan program motivasi dan kaunseling
* Mengikut statistik, penghuni KEWAJA yg paling muda adalah berusia 13 tahun dan paling tua adalah berusia 43 tahun
* Rutin harian para penghuni disitu adalah berteraskan akidah dan fardhu ain
* Tempoh penghuni berada disitu adalah sepanjang tempoh mereka mengandung, dan bg yg mengalami masalah akhlak, mereka berada disitu sehingga mereka benar2 dah sedar dan insaf
* Bagi penghuni yg melahirkan anak, mereka tidak dibenarkan utk menjaga anak itu melainkan keluarga mereka sendiri yg ingin menjaga bayi itu. Bayi2 yg tidak dituntut akan diberi kepada keluarga angkat
* KEWAJA dibiayai oleh Pusat Zakat dan Majlis Agama Islam serta dana2 lain
* Rata2 penghuni2 rumah KEWAJA ini asalnye dari seluruh Malaysia, cume seorg dua sahaja berasal dari negara seberang
* Isi rumah KEWAJA pada masa sekarang adalah seramai 70 org penghuni (tidak termasuk staf)

The Program
Kami bertolak from the faculty pada pukul 8 pagi (sepatutnya 7.30am tp diatas masalah2 yg berikutan, ter-delay stengah jam). Kami smua bergerak beramai ramai dgn kereta rakan2 ktorg jugak, so smua konvoi (thanx to Sara, Muaz, Burn, Fatin and also Mama kerana sudi menumpangkan kereta utk kami smua). First2 ingat jam sampai ke KL tp alhamdulillah, smooth sailing je sampai sana. Kami arrive at around 10am dkt KEWAJA dan kami disambut baik oleh Pak Ya serta kakitangan yg lain. 

Sesampainya kami disana, kami diberi taklimat ringkas oleh Pak Ya mengenai sejarah penubuhan kem modal insan dan juga a few background stories of the girls yg pernah berada disitu. Pak Ya juga menekankan bahawa, mereka juga adalah insan biasa yg layak diberi perhatian dan ingin juga kembali hidup normal.  We cant judge them on their past, and we have to let bygones be bygones. Apa yg menarik perhatian saya ialah dgn statement Pak Ya yg berbunyi: 'Semua lelaki berpotensi menadi perogol, cuma terletak pada iman dan pendirian masing2'. Agak menakutkan ye statement tu. Hahaha. Kemudian after the speech by Pak Ya, para rakan perempuan kami beserta Mama berpeluang utk menemu ramah para penghuni KEWAJA secara one on one. Okay, ini saya sgt jealous. Budak lelaki takleh bersemuka ngan mereka atas sebab tertentu (kalau nak masuk gak, kena la drag. Hahaha..ha. tak lawak).

Pak Ya memberi taklimat
Tekun mendengar taklimat
Sementara the girls menyelami kisah2 para penghuni disitu, kami yg jantan ni plak duduk luar dan menemuramah Pak Ya dgn lebih detail lg. Mcm2 input yg kami dpt from Pak Ya, antaranya:

1) Selalunya, kes2 bayi yg ditinggalkan di tmpt2 elok seperti rumah org, surau dan masjid ni, ia adalah operasi berdua, that means both the boy and the girl took the initiative
2) Kenapa jd terlajur begitu? Antara faktor2nya: Pergaulan bebas, masalah keluarga, pengaruh rakan and all the cliche stuffs yg kite selalu dgr. It may be cliche, but itulah yg berlaku skarang
3) Sbb2 utama: Zaman sekarang ni, kite disogok dgn statement 'Kau tak couple, kau tak cool' or 'Takde pakme/makwe = takde life'. Budak2 bile dah di-peer pressure, diorg pun akan terikut la jugak just because of they want to be 'in the group'. Cinta bile tak diaplikasikan dgn betul, ha jadilah sebegini rupa. Other than that, parents. Parents yg seolah olah menghalalkan tindakan anak2 mereka ni adalah penyebab utama masalah ni tak dpt dibendung. 

Sesi temuramah bersama penghuni KEWAJA

Lunchtime di KEWAJA
And then, lepas temubual kami menyanyah jap la bergambar bagai. Mase lunch, kami dipertemukan balik dgn dak2 pompuan kelas kami..then mase tu la mereka bertukar tukar cerita dgn kami tentang kisah2 penghuni disitu. Mmg sadis juge kisah2 mereka, dan ade juga sestengah kisah tu membuatkan aku rase marah. Tapi ade satu kisah mengenai bekas penghuni KEWAJA ni yg saya rasa amat sadis dan menyedihkan la.
Kisah mengenai seorg wanita ini, berusia 43 tahun..dtg ke Kuala Lumpur utk mencari pendapatan halal bg menyara anak2nya yg masih bersekolah. Dtg KL sehelai sepinggang, takde ape cuma baju yg dipakainye sahaja. Alhamdulillah, dia dpt kerja disebuah resotran mamak menjadi seorg tukang cuci pinggan.  Setiap malam without fail, dia akan menelefon anak2nya di kampung..menasihati anak2nya utk belajar rajin2, jgn lupe ke sekolah, jgn lupe solat and what not. Betapa agungnya kasih ibu...but, insiden pada satu malam itu, mengubah hidupnya serta merta. Sedang dia mencuci pinggan di dapur, dia didatangi seorg mat bangla yg juge bekerja disitu, mat bangla itu mula mengusiknya tetapi tidak diendahkan pun olehnya. Mat bangla mula bertindak agresif dgn merentap tangannya dan digenggam dgn kuat, wanita itu diheret ke dalam stor...dan 'dikendurikan' oleh 5 org mat bangla....
And she became the resident of KEWAJA when she noticed that she was pregnant.  Mmg kesian. Byk lagi kisah yg menarik dan sadis tp saye tak brape nak include dlm ni sbb mostly smua sama je which is, 'ikut boyfriend, then main, then bunting, then masuk KEWAJA'.

Hmm..ape yg saye dpt selepas lawatan ke KEWAJA ni ialah...pendirian+pembawakan diri+pegangan agama sgt2 penting utk mengatasi masalah ni.  Keluarga terutamanya, haruslah bertindak menjadi bukan sahaja pengawas kpd budak2 ni tp juga menjadi sumber informasi kpd mereka mengenai the effects of gejala sosial sebegini. Masyarakat pula harus cakna dgn keadaan sekeliling, kalau ade budak2 yg berperlakuan sumbang di khalayak ramai, WAJIB ditegur. Dan lg satu saye nak tekankan disini is, budaya mengumpat dan menjaga tepi kain org ni patutlah dilupuskan kalau boleh. Imagine, budak tu dah bunting..dingumpat pulak, dan dicanang plak kisahnye ke satu kampung, akhirnya family malu dan utk menutup malu itu, terus buang anak yg telah dinoda tu. The last thing she need is this.

Mama memberi cenderahati kepada Pak Ya pada majlis penutup

"Wanita tidak meminta untuk melahirkan anak luar nikah..."

(some photos credit to Syafiq aka Penyu Hactive)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Whaddup Semester 2!

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera smua!

It has been a while since i updated, yela, busy bagai kan (padahal pemalas sbenarnye). The 2nd semester has started and now kami di minggu yg ketujuh, dah nak hampir ke cuti mid sem dah pun. Pelbagai perkara menarik la jugak yg dah berlaku dlm tempoh 6 minggu ni and disini saya ingin briefly cerita pasalnye lah ye.

#1 Subjects
Okay for semester ni, kami ambik 7 subjects altogether iaitu: Marketing Communications, Sociology, Effective speaking, Principles of Translations, Graphics and creative design and 2 minor subjects which are Principles of Interpersonal Communications and Principles of Instructional Communications. The details about the subjects I will elaborate more mase review di akhir semester nanti, tapi a brief thought about all the subjects...mmg saya sgt enjoy attending all the classes (almost all) sbb lecturers yg sgt cool and sporting dan sgt2 tak bosan la bile duduk dlm class tu.Ok dah. 

#2 Adgency
Adgency or previously known as AdClub is the advertising sequence punye student association. Ape kene mengena dgn saya? Hahaha. Well, I was appointed as the Biro Protokol of the club and..tak expect pun ada org (Farah!!) yg akan nominate namaku, tp bile dah org nominate tu, pegi je la kan. Ambik je la tanggungjawab tu. In a nutshell, this semester we are organizing a big scale event jugak which we call 'AdCharity Carnival' yg diacarakan utk mengumpul dana bg membantu Badan Kebajikan Siti Khadijah. Details on the event, I will update later in this blog.

Adgency UiTM Shah Alam

Barisan protege committee Adgency 2012

Teaser for the AdCharity Carnival

#3 Effective speaking, Attractive looking
Haha, ape benda effective speaking, attractive looking bagai kan. Okay, it is one of my subjects this sem la tp ape yg menariknye ialah subject ni mmg peratusan berada dlm kelas adalah..urmm..idk..30 percent? hahaha. Sbb mostly, ktorg akan buat outing and bile ade dlm kelas pun utk presentations sahaja. Jadi ape je plan outing for effective speaking ni? Ha ni dia:

1- Program siaran langsung bual bicara, 'Bicara Rakyat' kt RTM haritu.  Topic of discussion was Media Sosial: Peranan dan Tanggungjawab.  Lepas dah hadir siaran langsung tu, minggu berikutnye tu kami kene presentlah ape input yg kami dpt from the program.

2- Lawatan ke Kem Modal Insan Kewaja at Gombak, tmpt tu is like rehabilitation center for wanita2 yg dah terlanur ataupun yg mempunyai masalah sosial. Jadi kami diberi tugasan utk menemuramah para wanita disitu tp for girls je la. Yg lelaki ni smua hanya berdasarkan kpd info2 yg diberi oleh Pak Ya (guradian atau penjaga utama kem modal insan tu).  Utk lawatan Kewaja ni, I will make a new post about this. Special one.

Bergambar before taking off to KEWAJA

3- Program Anak Angkat di Kampung Sawah Sempadan, Sekinchan. Now this! This is the ultimate event yg aku tertunggu tunggu sgt. Sebab I never pernah terlibat dgn any of program anak angkat or whatsoever. Jadi, ini mmg anticipated event. This program is a joint venture between class advertising and class broadcasting, smua dibawah naungan lecturer kami, Mama. Program anak angkat ni is on 27th April.

Barisan AJK for Program Anak Angkat. Tgk muke saya, garang tak? hahaha

Oklah! rasenye itu dulu kot for now, all the details of the events saya akan post didalam post yg berikutnya nanti Insya-Allah.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Kenapa Tulis Review?

Assalamualaikum, hello hello, ciao bello and bellas!

How are u guys doing? Harap2 anda semua sihat sentiasa (feeling2 ckp sorg2 dpn laptop). Oklah, anda tahu tak ape itu review? It is some sort of an informal evaluation of a certain aspect that we have encountered or experienced contohnya mcm anda telah pergi ke sebuah restoran ni, dan anda membuat write up tentang tmpt makan itu, memberi komentar2 ikhlas anda terhadap restoran itu tadi dan kemudiannya, dipublishkan utk tontonan umum. Itu adalah review (mengikut pemahaman saya la kan, kalau anda tak setuju, takpe)

Ok jadi, review ni bagi saya membawa beberapa kepentingan kerana melalui review, org ramai can have a rough idea on what they are going to venture into (takyah nak venture sgt la), ok senang cite cmni, kamu nak gi makan kat Restoran Syahdu Patah Seribu (grand tak nama?), tp u tak sure whether it is worth a try or not, so u google up the restaurant, and found some reviews yg org pernah tulis berkaitan dgn restoran tu. So, review itu sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi keputusan anda sama ada nak gi try makan kt sana ataupun tidak, depends la on what the writer describe the place as sama ade baik ataupun tidak. 

Apekah kepentingan review lagi?
From my personal view, reviews memainkan peranan penting dlm mempromosi sesuatu produk atau perkhidmatan yang baru dikeluarkan atau diperkenalkan. It is also a good way of advertising sebab you dont have to pay as much, just from buah mulut org saje ur products and services can be promoted easily.  That is why with the blogging community increasing, marketers and product developers are now using an advertising strategy called 'blogger engagement' dimana, beberapa bloggers yg terkenal akan dijemput ke launching party/event utk menyaksikan dan menggunakan sendiri product2 atau services yg ditawarkan, kemudian bloggers ini akan buat write up dimana mereka akan reviewlah product berkenaan. Mengapa marketers itu jemput blogger terkenal? sebabnya, blogger2 ni mempunyai fan base yg sgt besar where page views mereka menjangkau jutaan.

Walaupun anda bukan blogger terkenal, anda still boleh tulis review. Sesiapa saje bleh tulis review. Dengan menulis review, pada pandangan saya, anda secara tidak langsung dpt mengasah skill critic anda (ye, mengkritik pun ade skill). Critical thinking itu penting bg sesebuah review kerana komentar2 yg anda beri dlm review itu haruslah berfakta dan bukan bersifat peribadi semata.

Review yg saya tak berapa gemar
Saya suka membaca reviews blogger2 dulu before i go to a certain place such as restaurants sbb i want my visit to be worthwhile and tak membazir mase, dgn review juge kite boleh discover tmpt2 baru, tetapi saye tak berapa gemar membaca review yg saya panggil 'review syok sendiri dan adik2'. Hahaha. Ye, kenapa saye panggil ia sbg adik2 (bukan adik2 pondan nyah bagai tu, tetapi adik2 as in budak2) contoh la saya bagi:

Review Filem Ombak Sedey

''...Filem ni sgt best dan wajib ditonton org ramai dan pelakonnya juga bagus! Antara filem Malaysia yg terbaik...''

Sebab ape saya tak suke? Ok firstly, bile org nak gi menonton wayang, mereka nak tau cerita tu pasal ape, pelakon dia sape, and ape2 la lagi. Ni dah la tak describe movie tu pasal ape, tibe2 ckp best dan wajib ditonton. Mmg la best, tp best tu sbb ape? Penceritaannye ke, latar tempat dia ke, gaya bahasa dia ke, u know..details? That is why, one more criterion in writing a review is u have to be descriptive. Takleh la just ckp 'Ok, filem ni best dan menarik' fullstop. Tak menarik la review anda tu, terlalu one dimensional. Review yg bersifat biased dan berat sebelah pun saya tak suke jugak.

Ape yg boleh di-reviewkan?
Macam2. Segala benda boleh. Buku, filem, drama, peralatan elektronik dan elektrik, perkakas dapur, baju, kedai, restoran, aihhh macam2 dek non! 

Akhir kata, penulisan review anda dpt mengubah dan mempengaruhi keputusan org lain..gituuu~~


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Review FIXI: Zombijaya

Zombijaya by Adib Zaini

Assalamualaikum and hello hello!

Alhamdulillah, dah habis bace 2nd FIXI novel that I had bought, Zombijaya by Adib Zaini in which aku habis bace just in one dayy! Hahaha.

Mengisahkan these 5 friends: Nipis, Sofia, Aliff, Ana dan Kamarul, each with different witty personalities menjalani kehidupan masing-masing. Nipis kerja as Domino's Pizza punye delivery boy who is adik kembar to Ana, an aspiring new teacher who is in a relationship with Kamarul who is a contestant on a new show called 'Emperor Lawak' who is the bestfriend of Aliff who works for this Dato', who is also in a relationship with Sofia, an MLM enthusiast.  Smua benda-benda pelik ni started mase malam tahun baru which they celebrated together, and there comes this anjing gila mengganas dkt diorg who accidentally (or purposely) bitten Aliff's hand. So dari situ, dia mengalami perubahan diri yang akhirnya...membuatkan satu Lembah Klang turn into a Zombijaya, where cerita menjadi turning point disitu.

Plus points:
  • Jalan penceritaan yang menarik dan in-depth: the author did a good job in penyusunan ceritanya that makes the reading of this novel an enjoyable one. Flow cerita ni tak kelam kabut, sebab ade novel yang gune teknik 'flashback' tp its not understandable, tibe2 jump ke satu era, then jump balik ke satu era yg lain tanpa ade kesinambungan yang berkesan, but in this novel, the flow of the flashback is good between the past and the present. Plus, the story telling is unpredictable, which makes it a good read.
  • Cover buku cantik (cuz i do judge a book by its cover)
  • Characters yang harmoni: Hahaha lagi satu saya tertarik dengan novel is because of the characters, macam2 peragai and macam2 kerenah, which makes it colourful dan tambahan pula cara penulis describes the characters is good and in depth, we feel the connection.  Plus, cultural diversity tu wujud  dgn characters from other races such as Sanjiv, Dr. Siva, Beth, Bryan and others. So, ade la feel 1 Malaysia di situ. Haha
  • Dramatic: Nama pun Zombijaya, which includes zombies and deaths. Saya suka cara penceritaan scene2 yg berlawan ngan zombie, lari dari zombie, selamatkan org from zombie which the author pandai terapkan the element of dramaticness, sampai saya menangis dalam beberapa scene (dramatic sungguh! hahaha)
  • The story is also accompanied with relevant illustrations, which seem interesting
  • Novel made for a movie: Flipping through the pages of the book, it occurs to me that this novel is like a movie.  Mcm im reading a movie script of an upcoming zombie apocalypse movie.  Saya senang membayangkan the settings, the characters, the environment because the way the story is told is just like a movie, sbb tu i say this novel is made for a movie cuz just cut and paste je from novel to the movie. takyah ubah ape2 (well maybe for some of the scenes la which i find terlalu erotic). Oh yeah, the novel also remind me of the movies Zombieland and Book of Eli.
Minus points:
  • I know the prinsip of FIXI is pulp fiction and the author can use slangs and bahasa celupar smua cuz they're aiming for urban and the current trend tp.... for me la, in some parts tu, ade penggunaan bahasa yang a bit inappropriate for the younger readers ie. 17 and below. Maybe FIXI could letak disclaimer kt cover? hahaha. no no, joking. Tp yela, i am just worried for the younger readers la tibe terbaca perkataan 'k*nek', 'te**k' and whatsoever lg. Celupar tu in moderation la.
  • Typo errors here and there, tp takpe la, it's forgivable. 
Ok, all in all, Zombijaya IS a must read! 

*FIXI novels can be found in all major bookstores in Malaysia, priced at RM20

For more info, log on to:
Twitter - @BukuFixi


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Part 1: Closed

Assalamualikum and hellooo

Ok so, results of the final exams dah kluar and Im happy with my results, alhamdulillah.  I hope I can continue the legacy that I have made during diploma dulu, Insyaallah.  Jadi dengan itu, part 1 is closed officially. (Although I am quite disappointed with my Introcomm punye result)

What will be waiting in semester 2:
-Marketing communication
-Principles of translation
-Graphic and creative design
-Effective speaking
-and one more minor subject (or is it two?)

oh well, we'll just have to wait and see


Apa Beza?: Wander and Wonder

Assalamualaikum and welcome to another edition of 'Ape Beza?'

In this edition I'll bebeling about the difference between 'wonder' and 'wander' in which, both are pronounced..quite the same.


In malay: Tertanya-tanya/terfikir-fikir/keajaiban/indah(wonderful)
as noun - a cause of astonishment or admiration
  in sentence:- The Giza Pyramids is one of the 7 wonders of the world.
                      The new IPhone 4S is a technological wonder.

as verb - to feel curiosity or doubt
  in sentence:- I wonder how do you manage to get excellent results every semester.

as adjective - exciting amazement or admiration
  in sentence:- Jennifer Hudson gave a wonderful tribute to the late Whitney Houston by singing 'I Will Always Love You' at the Grammy Awards yesterday.

In malay: bersiar-siar/merayau-rayau tanpa arah tuju
as verb - to go astray/ to move without a fixed course
 in sentence:- Students were seen wandering the halls.
                     He wandered off from the trail and got lost.

ok dah, tu je utk kali ni. hahaha.

Reference: Merriam-Webster English Dictionary


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review FIXI: Ngeri

Assalamualaikum and hello hello!

Ok, for this post saye nak cerite tentang Novel FIXI, straight to the point je- no kona kona, no gostan. Hahaha.  Saya baru habis bace novel FIXI yg pertama saya beli dah lama dah, Oktober last year rasenye, and pagi tadi baru dpt habiskan, yela last year sibuk with assignments and all, so buku tu berkubur jap la kt dlm kotak. Time cuti sem ni baru geledah balik and ade time to read the book.

What is FIXI?
I found out about FIXI through tweets by Obefiend (yg author BlogSerius tu) talking about buku FIXI and how he love the book he was reading, and the book is in Malay. Saya pun macam, ok if he likes malay novel, then this FIXI may be something different la kot cuz dia bukannye jenis org yg bace novel melayu cintan cintun jiwang karat ni, cuz no offence, most malay novels are like so jiwang. So, I pun wanna give it a try la. 

Anyway, FIXI:  Syarikat penerbitan novel yang mula aktif pada tahun 2011. Ia memberi tumpuan kepada karya-karya baru yang bersifat urban dan masakini. Nama syarikat diambil dari perkataan Bahasa Indonesia ‘fiksi’ yang diambil dari perkataan Bahasa Inggeris ‘fiction’ yang diambil dari Bahasa Perancis Lama ‘ficcion’ yang diambil dari Bahasa Latin ‘fictionem’ … untuk menunjukkan yang tidak ada apa-apa yang original dalam dunia ini. Sasaran kami ialah untuk terbitkan sekurang-kurangnya satu novel setiap bulan.

Ok now on to my review of Ngeri:

Novel FIXI Ngeri
Ngeri ni mengisahkan pasal 3 org student jurusan perfileman ni: Joanne, Samuel and Rehan. Diorg diberi assignment project to do a short movie, in which their prof, Professor Bazri Bakar must give approval dulu the scripts for the movie before they proceed for shooting and post production stage. So mereka bertiga ni pun buat la scripts after scripts, BUT smua direjectnye oleh professor ni dgn alasan, cerita diorg ni tak logic. Diorg ni buat genre slasher/pembunuhan yg melampau so the prof ckp, cerite2 cmni kalau buat kt negara luar masuk akal la gak, tp kt no no. Seems a lil bit lame kan? but...the suspense is, their rejected scripts...became reality! So diorg ni pun gabra and nervous and mule la tuduh menuduh sesama sendiri bagai.  Kes-kes pembunuhan tu disiasat oleh Detektif Lehad Razak and Detektif Chandran, diorg investigate until.....jeng jeng u gotta read the rest urselves la kan. Hahaha.

Plus points:
  • Jalan cerita yang direct and penggunaan bahasa yang bersahaja, so mudah faham and easy to follow
  • Cover buku yang cantik
  • Pengembangan perwatakan yg seems okay, ade character development
  • Elemen suspense yg menjadi
  • Unique storytelling, sbb it doesnt go by chapter, rather the author gune teknik mcm ala2 diari gitu, where the chapters are repalced by Minggu and Bulan so kite mcm bace diari org la cmtu.
Minus points:
  • Selain penggunaan teknik penceritaan konvesional, most parts of the novel dia gunakan teknik mcm graphical shit cmne nak explain ntah, ah, dia gune mcm conversation structure in email cmtu la. So, the   novelistic value tu mcm..ek ckit la. I dont know about u guys la, tp its a unique way of story telling, but rasenye kalau byk sgt, it will seem a bit boring.
This is what i meant by the email structure

But all in all, this book is a good read la nonetheless. Something different rather than novel melayu cintan cintun budak setan ombak bagai.  After this saya nak try baca Zombijaya plak, which is one of the latest novel in the FIXI series. Byk novel FIXI ni, tinggal nak pilih je.

So any of u yg berminat nak baca novel2 FIXI ni, u guys can get these novels kt Popular and MPH Bookstore (tmpt ni je yg aku tau ade la jual novel FIXI), priced at RM 20, which is kinda cheap already for a novel.

For more info about FIXI, you alls can log on to these webs:
Twitter: @BukuFixi


Monday, January 30, 2012

BAGryllic: Personalised Canvas Tote Bags

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera smuanye!

Ok now in this post, I wanna talk about and also to promote to u guys about my latest activity which is making canvas tote bags!

Bagaimana idea ni tercipta?
Well, idea ni dtg sejak tahun lepas lg. Masa tu kt dewan makan kolej indera sakti, talking bout my canvas tote bag yg i baru beli kt pasar seni mase praktikal dulu. I bought it for RM60. Yes, sgt mahal disitu. Kawan saya telah mencadangkan bahawa beg sebegitu bleh dibuat sendiri, and plus we can add a personalised touch to it. 

Ok fine la, then masuk sem pertama degree. Pada pertengahan sem, saya bosan tak tau nak buat ape, so saya pun mencuba la nak buat beg tu, and I did one bag, then saya post di facebook gambarnye. Terkejut gak tibe2 ramai pula yg nak saya buat utk mereka. Mereka ingat saya open for tempahan. Masa tu saya tak fikir business ape2 lagi la. Then saya bawak pula beg tu pegi class and pegi jalan2 smua, pun org bertanyakan pasal beg tu. 

After dah ramai sgt yg tanye...jadi, saye mengambil keputusan for tempahan!

My branding

Some of my bags yg I dah buat for my pelanggan:

So what is actually BAGryllic ni?
Ok, basically bag ni diperbuat daripada kain calico/belacu dan designs atas beg tu saya guna cat acrylic dan juga fabric marker kerana acrylic tidak mudah luntur jika dibasuh, Insyaallah jika ade duit lebih saya bercadang utk membeli mesin heat press sbb dgn mesin heat press, designs lg senang utk ditransfer ke atas beg, and more versatile designs can be made on the bag. Saiz beg adalah bersaiz 25 inches x 16.5 inches. Harga standard bagi smua beg adalah RM15. Proses penghantaran adalah dgn cara pos dan juga cash on delivery, tapi cash on delivery only in area shah alam sahaja buat mase skarang (sbb saya takde kereta lg. haha)

How bout the design?
Dengan berapndukan slogan BAGryllic which is 'Personalised canvas tote bags', designs terpulang kepada pelanggan. Nak design mcm mane ape smua, ckp je dgn saya, kerana design beg smua berlainan kerana saya buat beg based on client's customization. 

Future plans for BAGryllic:
*Designs bermotifkan jahitan felt fabrics
*Beg dgn variety of colours

Jadi, jika anda berminat, bleh hubungi saya di talian berikut:
Phone: 019-3172041
Twitter: (@ammarzahrol)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Say what??

Hahahaha. non-masscommers maybe tak faham dengan post title ni, (or maybe masscommers sendiri tak faham? aku sorg je yg faham?)

Ok, the examinations for the first semester is over, and therefore automatically means it's the beginning of the semester break (Weeeeeeeeeee....?). Jadi dalam blog post kali ni, I will be recapping what that I have learnt in Mass Comm for the first sem ni la. Actually, this is like a post for my junior yg bertanyakan saya ape yg saya belajar dlm mass comm, jadi, I make this specially just to explain on the courses. 

Ok, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...

ADVCOMLIBJRN.... what the hell kan? well those are actually combination of the course codes that I've took this semester in UiTM Shah Alam.

ADV 410.....Principles of Advertising
COM 410.....Introduction to Communication and Media Studies
COM 411.....News Writing and Reporting
COM 412.....Photo Communication
LIB 410......Psychology
JRN 410.....Principles of Journalism

So basically actually part 1 masscomm ade 7 subject including CTU, but CTU kami yg lepasan diploma UiTM ni diberi pengecualian kredito, so 6 je la subjects pun. So let's begin the review shall we!

#1 Principles of Advertising

Course structure: Core subject for MC224- Bachelor in Mass Comm (Advertising)

What to learn: Basically, course ni is an introduction for the advertising students untuk mengenali dunia periklanan dalam Malaysia and also the global scene of advertising.  The course includes the topics of Marketing, Broadcast Media, Consumer Behaviour, Media Planning and Buying, Copywriting, Strategic Research, Evaluation of Effectiveness, Interactive Media and others. Principles of Advertising ni memperkenalkan the basics of advertising and also a persediaan untuk advertising students for the future semesters as we will learn more in depth on the topics in this course.

Reference book - Advertising & IMC

*Lectures (includes tgk video advertisements yg berkaitan)
*Presentation for a simple survey research done by us in groups 'Facebook usage among Mass Comm students'
*Final project presentation for campaign proposal 'Married on Everyone Connects'. My group neck in neck dgn group Mawi. But in the end, group Mawi menang the proposal. Congrats again!
*Assignments: advertisement portfolio, comment on offensive ads, comment on segmentation of ads, poster for kempen pilihanraya, survey research on facebook usage among mass comm students, final project campaign proposal.

#2 Introduction to Communication and Media Studies

Course structure: Core subject for all Mass Comm sequences

What to learn: Better known as 'introcomm' by us masscommers. This course is the fundamental knowledge yang mesti diketahui oleh semua pelajar mass comm.  Subject ni merangkumi every parts of mass communication, with topics on Magazines, Books, Advertising, Radio, Movies, TV, Internet, Public Relations, Media Ethics and others.  Subject ni bagi saya agak berat sikit sebab many facts have to remembered not forgetting the history bagai. In learning this subject, kite banyak main dengan terma-terma la, the terms that are used in the media world.

Reference book - Introduction to Mass Communication

*Presentations: satu topic dua org akan present, so kirenye the students yang akan jd the 'lecturer' in explaining on the topic. So every week different people will present on different topics
*Assignments: TV/radio program analysis based on the subtopics in the book, group case study on TV/radio programs (my group did on Majalah 3)
*Mid term test

#3 News Writing and Reporting

Course structure: Core subject for all Mass Comm Sequences

What to learn: One of the subjects that I enjoy learning.  This course takes us into the news world where we learn the art of news writing and the ways of reporting news.  Dalam subject ni, students akan encounter with terms in news writing such as Hard News, Soft News, News Lead, Story Structure, Kickers, Transitions, News Arrangement, Interview Techniques, Nut Graph and lots more.  This subject memang akan menarik minat those yang suka menulis.

Reference book - Writing and Reporting News

*Lawatan akademik ke Kumpulan Media Karangkraf
*Pop Quiz Gameshow
*Presentations about random topics given the lecturer
*Assignments: 2 page article on random topics (I chose Lady Gaga), writing news lead, writing hard news and soft news, quizes and tests.

#4 Photo Communication

Course structure: Core subject for all Mass Comm sequences

What to learn: Subject ni my favourite! hahaha. This subject is great for the photography enthusiasts, where students akan belajar the fundamentals of photography and ways in handling a DSLR camera.  Pelajar akan belajar the techniques of photography that include Fast Shutter Speed, Slow Shutter Speed, Limited Depth of Field, Extended Depth of Field, Panning, Landscape, Silhouette, Night Photo, Portrait, Architecture and others. Some of the photos yg I tgkap:


Extended depth of field

Limited depth of field

Slow shutter

*Photo outing: Outing to places utk tangkap2 gambar. Outing with classmates, sendiri2 or dgn sesiapa sahaja yg anda mahu, asalkan hantar smua gambar.

#5 Psychology

Course structure: Core subject for all Mass Comm sequences

What to learn: Subject yang paling psycho semester ni. hahaha. Psychology, pelajar2 akan belajar tentang teori2 yang digunakan dalam alam psychology dan juga students boleh relatekan asas asas psychology dgn kehidupan harian seorg manusia itu.  At first, saya mcm takde  mood and perasaan utk belajar subject cuz...entahla, mmg tak bermood utk psycho. Tapi, as time goes by, I felt more interested to this course. Ok so dlm subject ni students will be introduced to the basic principles of psychology, including the theories of psychology: Structuralism, Behaviourism, Functionalism, Gestalt Principles, Emotions, Motivation, Perception and lots more.

Reference book - Psychology: An Introduction

*PBL (Problem based learning) presentations: Groups will be given one sub-topic each then present it to the class
*Research presentation: Done in 2 stages, first stage is the topic proposal (done in the early semester), the 2nd stage is the findings of the research (done in the final weeks of the semester). My group had done the research on murtad issue in Malaysia.
*Mid term test and quiz

#6 Principles of Journalism

Course structure: Minor (All students are required to choose one minor/elective subject of other sequences)

What to learn: In this subject, you will learn about the basic principles of journalism which include Journalism Ethics, News Agencies, History of Print Media, History of Journalism in Malaysia, Human Rights and Press Freedom, Profession of Journalists and other subtopics. Dalam kelas, the lecturer will always ask us questions, that we need to think. She encourage us to think and think and think sbb journalists must think on their feet.  Journalism is one of my favourite class because I feel I get a lot of input about the media world today and it somehow helps me in my other subjects such as introcomm and news writing sbb it connects, and plus it broadens my mind more about the world.  Tugas seorang wartawan is more than reporting the news, they educate the public.

*Mid Term Test and Final Test
*Presentation on research topic (mine was on Internet Journalism)

So there you go, an almost complete compendium guide to Part 1 degree courses in mass comm. Akhir kate, mass comm is a really fun field to study (ayat cliche nak mampus).

other minor courses-
PRO410 Principles of Public Relations
BRO410 Principles of Broadcasting
PUB410 Principles of Publishing
INC410 Principles of Interpersonal Communication
CIT410  Principles of Instructional Communication
CMP410 Principles of Communication Management and Policy

owh p/s: yg ade final exams - principles of advert, introduction to comm and media, psychology, and other minor courses yg aku tak ambik.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Apa Beza?: Cupcakes and Muffins

One incident I encountered at a bakery in KL last week:

Auntie: Can I have that cupcake please (pointing at a bunch of blueberry raisin muffins)
Pekerja: Oh you mean this muffin?
Auntie: Muffin? No no. I want cupcake, that one (pointing at the same bunch of muffins)
Pekerja: Uhh...ok (cupcake pun cupcake la makcik oi)

Me (dalam hati): terang-terang tu muffin, dah label pun tertera 'Blueberry Raisin Muffin :RM 2.50'

Ape2 je la kan. So, from that incident, saya pun macam terfikir, hmmm...are muffins a type of cupcake? Or are they both a different entity?

So, I've made a simple research and also tanye kat one bakery inilah hasil penyiasatan saya:


  • It is exactly just the same as a whole cake, but it is baked and served to serve one individual (in terms of the size)
  • Usually frosted with icings and other sorts of accessories
  • Un-frosted cupcake DOES NOT equate to a muffin 
  • Butter is usually used in cupcake recipes
  • So therefore,CUPCAKE IS A CAKE


  • Simply mixing the wet and dry ingredients together and some recipes do not even require an electronic beater or whisk
  • Can be frosted or not frosted
  • Can be sweet or savoury (other than letak pisang or other sweet stuff in muffins, bleh gak letak beef bacon ke, cheese ke, chili ke or whatever la)
  • Frosted muffin DOES NOT equate to cupcake
  • Oil is usually used in muffin recipe
Conclusion: Cupcake = kek, Muffin = type of roti

Tak kisah la korg nak panggil ape pun muffin ke, cupcake ke, akhirnye masuk perut jugak ken....
