It has been a while since i updated, yela, busy bagai kan (padahal pemalas sbenarnye). The 2nd semester has started and now kami di minggu yg ketujuh, dah nak hampir ke cuti mid sem dah pun. Pelbagai perkara menarik la jugak yg dah berlaku dlm tempoh 6 minggu ni and disini saya ingin briefly cerita pasalnye lah ye.
#1 Subjects
Okay for semester ni, kami ambik 7 subjects altogether iaitu: Marketing Communications, Sociology, Effective speaking, Principles of Translations, Graphics and creative design and 2 minor subjects which are Principles of Interpersonal Communications and Principles of Instructional Communications. The details about the subjects I will elaborate more mase review di akhir semester nanti, tapi a brief thought about all the subjects...mmg saya sgt enjoy attending all the classes (almost all) sbb lecturers yg sgt cool and sporting dan sgt2 tak bosan la bile duduk dlm class tu.Ok dah.
#2 Adgency
Adgency or previously known as AdClub is the advertising sequence punye student association. Ape kene mengena dgn saya? Hahaha. Well, I was appointed as the Biro Protokol of the club and..tak expect pun ada org (Farah!!) yg akan nominate namaku, tp bile dah org nominate tu, pegi je la kan. Ambik je la tanggungjawab tu. In a nutshell, this semester we are organizing a big scale event jugak which we call 'AdCharity Carnival' yg diacarakan utk mengumpul dana bg membantu Badan Kebajikan Siti Khadijah. Details on the event, I will update later in this blog.
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Adgency UiTM Shah Alam |
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Barisan protege committee Adgency 2012 |
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Teaser for the AdCharity Carnival |
#3 Effective speaking, Attractive looking
Haha, ape benda effective speaking, attractive looking bagai kan. Okay, it is one of my subjects this sem la tp ape yg menariknye ialah subject ni mmg peratusan berada dlm kelas adalah..urmm..idk..30 percent? hahaha. Sbb mostly, ktorg akan buat outing and bile ade dlm kelas pun utk presentations sahaja. Jadi ape je plan outing for effective speaking ni? Ha ni dia:
1- Program siaran langsung bual bicara, 'Bicara Rakyat' kt RTM haritu. Topic of discussion was Media Sosial: Peranan dan Tanggungjawab. Lepas dah hadir siaran langsung tu, minggu berikutnye tu kami kene presentlah ape input yg kami dpt from the program.
2- Lawatan ke Kem Modal Insan Kewaja at Gombak, tmpt tu is like rehabilitation center for wanita2 yg dah terlanur ataupun yg mempunyai masalah sosial. Jadi kami diberi tugasan utk menemuramah para wanita disitu tp for girls je la. Yg lelaki ni smua hanya berdasarkan kpd info2 yg diberi oleh Pak Ya (guradian atau penjaga utama kem modal insan tu). Utk lawatan Kewaja ni, I will make a new post about this. Special one.
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Bergambar before taking off to KEWAJA |
3- Program Anak Angkat di Kampung Sawah Sempadan, Sekinchan. Now this! This is the ultimate event yg aku tertunggu tunggu sgt. Sebab I never pernah terlibat dgn any of program anak angkat or whatsoever. Jadi, ini mmg anticipated event. This program is a joint venture between class advertising and class broadcasting, smua dibawah naungan lecturer kami, Mama. Program anak angkat ni is on 27th April.
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Barisan AJK for Program Anak Angkat. Tgk muke saya, garang tak? hahaha |
Oklah! rasenye itu dulu kot for now, all the details of the events saya akan post didalam post yg berikutnya nanti Insya-Allah.
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