Monday, May 30, 2011

Rentetan Pelajar Part 6

saje nak kongsi ngan korang the montage that we've made for our department dinner last semester.. hehe

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Reporto de' Practicolo


Pada kali ini saye nak bercerita tentang Practical Report Department of Building

hey, bukan kau dah habis practical ke? dah nak grad dah pun. buat ape la cite pasal practical report lagi??
Ye....sesungguhnya saye dah habis diploma...tapi entry ni bukan untuk saye..tapi untuk juniors saye yang tengah practical skarang ni....sebab ape saye buat entry khas ni sebab saye dpt mcm2 soalan dan resahan seperti:

Abg ammar, report cmne ek? risau la...
aku takut ah ngan report, cmne nak buat?
senior, nak tanye ckit bleh? ape sbenarnye nak tulis utk report?
abang ammar ni comel la... 

ok, not including the last one la kan...(haha..ha...heh). Ok, dont fret, in this entry I will explain yg semampu boleh la to all of youusss (kalau korg baca la kann)

Kenapa kena buat report??
Report ni kite kena buat as a kelayakan kite untuk pass practical training (and insyaallah utk 4 flatt).

Kenapa kena buat dengan terbaik??
Sebab report kite ni merangkap juga sebagai thesis kite, which is kajian kite sendiri. The reports will be binded hard cover and then akan diletakkan dlm library utk tatapan umum..(seterusnya diletakkan dalam bilik stor persatuan utk tatapan sawang labah-labah)

Bagaimana nak hasilkan report terbaik?
Report practical consist of many elements and chapters, they are:


ok, so sebelum memulakan report, beberapa key elements yang perlu diambilkira dahulu which are:

  • Bahasa pengantar
  • Tajuk report
  • Kehendak lecturer penyelia
Bahasa pengantar - choose sama ada dlm BM/English. yg mane yg korg lebih prefer and selesa. Sometimes lecturer penyelia akan request korg buat dlm bahasa yg dia nak for example bahasa latin ke, perancis ke, tamil ke.  (mcm saye dulu Cik-soon to be Puan- Azira request kami buat dlm BM)

Tajuk report - ini memang masalah terbesar sebilangan budak2 practical...takleh nak start report sebab takde tajuk. dont worry kawan2, explore habis habisan site and office korg tu. jgn terlalu pressure dengan desakan lecturer yg nak tajuk report yg vavavoom gile2. tanye2 la ngan supervisor korg kt site and office, diorg akan segala hormatnye menolong korg utk dapatkan tajuk report yg sesuai and yang senang korg nak cari bahan. tp jgn lupe utk proceed tajuk tu ngan lecturer masing2 na.

Kehendak lecturer penyelia - kekadang, lecturer kite nak something yg lain drpd manual cara penulisan report practical yg kite dpt mase wacana akademik tu. so, consult je la ngan lecturer korg na.


Penghargaan - include la nama pensyarah penyelia, nama KP, nama koordinator latihan praktikal, nama penyelia tapak and whatsoever la. sesape saje la yg tolong korg secara langsung/tidak langsung

Abstrak - abstrak ni is somewhat a ringkasan of the practical report. cerita in brief tentang kandungan laporan practical korg tu. from A to Z. tp briefly je. cerita the flow of the report.

Senarai bagai - senarai-senarai tu smua is a register of rajah, gambarfoto, jadual yg korg masukkan dlm report korg tu.

Bab 1 - pengenalan kepada report practical korg. sub2 topicnye includes:
  • 1.1 Pengenalan - cerita secara general tentang tajuk korg
  • 1.2 Pemilihan tajuk kajian - cerita kenapa korg pilih tajuk ni
  • 1.3 Objektif kajian - include not more than 3 SAHAJA (paling afdhal maximum 3 objektif)
  • 1.4 Skop kajian - elemen2 yang korg nak cerita dlm report ni (berpandukan objektif)
  • 1.5 Kaedah Kajian - sumber primer(temuramah/pemerhatian/data2 progress report/etc.), sumber sekunder (buku/majalah/internet/jurnal/etc.)
Bab 2 - latar belakang syarikat korg. sub2 topic:
  • 2.1 Pengenalan - brief description tentang skop kerja dan lokasi syarikat
  • 2.2 Sejarah penubuhan syarikat - cerita pasal susur galur syarikat tu
  • 2.3 Objektif syarikat - kalau takde, reka je
  • 2.4 Carta organisasi syarikat - carta syarikat tau, bukan tapak 
  • 2.5 Senarai projek yang telah siap
  • 2.6 Senarai projek dalam pembinaan
mane nak dpt smua ni?: company profile syarikat korg. kalau takde, tanye je la staff2 kt ctu.

Bab 3 - Kajian teoritikal ni adalah satu bab yang penting and byk org kena re-do. teoritikal ni kite masukkan maklumat2 based on sumber sekunder (buku/majalah/jurnal/internet). key elements yang penting:
  • Rujuk objektif dalam bab 1 - means, segala maklumat yg kite nak letak dlm teoritikal ni MUST reflect on your objectives. Contoh: objektif anda is - Mengenalpasti cara-cara pembuatan tender. so, dlm teoritikal ni, korg include segala general information tentang tender (contoooh). ingat, teoritikal ni kite include maklumat secara general tentang tajuk report kite. MUST BASED ON OBJECTIVES. jgn main suke2 je letak ape benda pun yg tak relevant
  • Susunan/flow yang kemas - pastikan korg susun sub topic korg tu dgn kemas, preferably based on the flow of the objectives also.
  • CITATION - PALINGGGG penting dlm bab 3. kalau takde citation, korg akan dilabel PLAGIATT. and juga, pastikan citation and senarai rujukan adalah sama, tak kurang tak lebih. 
         contoh citation: Menurut Robert (2008)......
                                 Mengikut Kamus Dewan (1987).....
                                 .....adalah teknologi yang tercanggih untuk pembinaan (Harris, 2011).

Bab 4 - bab kajian korg sendiri. as usual, kandungan korg dlm bab 4 ni MESTI menjawab objektif dalam bab 1 and teoritikal dalam bab 3. mcm dlm bab 3, its generally about the tajuk, in bab 4, dia dah go lebih detail. Bab 4 ni kite gune sumber primer (temubual/pemerhatian/drawings/etc) untuk kite lengkapkan. 

Bab 5 - kesimpulan...(dah nak habis dah!). kesimpulan ni korg simpulkanlah satu report ni. include la harapan, cadangan and whatsoever yg korg rase appropriate utk diletakkan dlm bab ni.... 

Senarai rujukan - pastikan in APA format (apa itu APA? rujuk lecturer penyelia)

Lastly, beberapa general reminder:

  • SELALU contact lecturer penyelia. tanye ape2 yg patut utk clarify korg punye persoalan tentang mcm mane nak buat report. tp korg jgn la plak contact setiap sejam. at least in a week, contact la. sebab lecturer korg pun nak tau gak progress korg cmne.
  • HANTAR progress report on time mengikut jadual yg dikeluarkan oleh koordinator praktikal (En Azim kan?). sebab, setiap penghantaran ada markahnye...
  • JANGANlah korg copy paste sebijik sebijik from internet...sebab, lecturer bleh detect ok. nanti tak pasal2 dilabel plagiat.
  • SAVE soft copy report korg ni in more than 1 disk. as a back up. jgn jd cm aku.... save smua dlm external...last2 external hancus, takleh nak bukak dah..kena type balik...mampu?
  • JANGAN malas2 na.... buat report tu kay. jgn buat last minute. nanti keje ke mane, report ke mane. 

ok la..rasenye tu je kot pasal report. harap2 korg faham la dengan penerangan saye ni...kalau tak tau nak bayangkan report practical rupe cmne, korg bleh g kt side bar kanan ni -----------------------> tekan kt PRACTICAL REPORT. kalau ada ape2 soalan, jgn segan nak tanye ye...


Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Final Projection

hello people! dah lama kan kite tak bersua! ok so, I ni pun tgh gigih jugak la meng-update this blogg atas desakan orang ramai (nooooooooot)... ok fine, not.

So this entry I want to tell you guys the update and the conclusion of the subject that I realllllllllyy hated for the 6th semester.........BLD349 FINAL PROJECT

Stage 1 dah selesai......(haiyo! aku baru terangkan Stage 1 je ke baru?) adoiiiiii.... ok2, saye tak suke sbenarnye tulis panjang-panjang macam karangan cuz kamu smua mesti akan terlena dibuai, im gonna do this really simple.


What about?
Dapat projek, so kena hargakan tender according to rates and quotations that kitorg kena cari from either building material suppliers or main contractors.

Cari quotations/rates of materials--->Hargakan the elements (there are many elements ok, so sorg ambik 4 or 5 elements)--->Tambah all harga and masukkan into the general summary (summary of all tender bills), all together ada 5 bills which are Preliminaries+Building Works+Infrastructure Works+Prime Cost Sum+Mechanical & Electrical+Provisional Sum (owh wait, ada 6 bill..haha..ha..heh)---> Isi borang2 tender--->Compile all of the borang, bills and other shitty things and bind it...and jadilah sebuah tender document...owh ya and then hantar la tender tu to the lecturers (acting as the client)

Mcm mane rupe tender document?
Maaf. saye tak ambil gambar tender kami kerana terlalu teruja kerana siap tender, tp rupe tender generally mcm ni la:

nampak tak yg tebal2 tu? ha tu la tender document.... terima kasih

SANGATTTTTT. stage ni la yg paling ku benci dan byk maki hamun. dan otak penat tatkala stay up utk buat tender sial tu (lagi2 mase nak compile, haih pening!).....


What about?
ok, lepas dah buat tender....client and quantity surveyor akan evaluate tender, then the best price quoted akan menang tender and sekaligus menjadi the main contractor for the project. so dlm final project ni, sah2 la smua group menang tender kan, kalau tak, mmg fail la final project ni. (Harga kami RM 9 juta lebih, harga sebenar project tu RM 10 juta lebih. team kami adalah dengan harga yang paling rendah. jgn tanye saye kenape. masih geram disitu).

so, in this stage, kena buat project planning. mcm mane sesebuah syarikat contractor tu nak merancang projek ni... so, mcm mane? 

The process?
1) Dapatkan insurance (so many insurance yg involved in this, such as Public Liability, Contractor All Risk, Performance Bond and what not), isi the forms ala2 kite nak apply for real. pun agak pening kt cni sebab mcm2 dia mintak in order to approve the insurancess. ktorg ambik insurance from Etiqa and Takaful Nasional.

2) Site Layout. mcm mane nak susun atur tapak tu. kena ada all the elements of a site layout such as temporary road, office cabin, wash pit, material yard, carpark and what not.

3) Work programme and S-curve. work programme ni is the tulang belakang to the project. schedule of the works yg akan dilakukan utk menyiapkan project tu in time. so, the lebih kurang the success or the failure of the project can be based on the work programme itself. S-curve plak is the cash flow of the project, based on the work programme also. (Saye buat work programme ni). and the work programme is done by using Microsoft Project......

4) Material, Labour and Machinery Usage schedule. ok, work programme dah siap, then kite kena buat plak schedule of usage in order for us to know how much material, how many labour are required to perform the task in the project...the schedule is prepared monthly until la the project is handed over...

5) Method statement. benda ni kite buat...(ok, dah penat..ambik nafas sebentar)..ok, kite buat ni utk kite estimate how much workers, materials and machineries to be used utk project ni. method statement ni dlm bentuk schedule. (tak perlu la saye terangkan in detail, sebab rase mcm tgh bagi lecture plak)

6) Presentation. kite present in front of the clients (lecturers). kite present kite punye planning dkt diorg. mmg kena teruk la mase presentation. kaku sebentar kerana tidak tahu menjawab beberapa (nak dekat semua) soalan yg diajukan oleh lecturer..terutama the ever famous En. Kamarul Sayhril Kamal.

perasaan saye utk stage ni..ok la sebab this stage is more on planning and I love doing planning and we learn a lot of thins la in this stage, the most interesting stage la in this final project. overall, saye suke la stage ni kot..(apart from kena tengking by En. KSK)


What about?
so, the last stage ni is more on management of the project lah basically. mcm mane kite manage the construction project according to the planning that have been approved by the clients.

Stage ni byk jugak la yg kena prepare, mostly documentations such as: weekly & daily work report on site, safety report, progress claims, quality report, delay and application of extension of time, ape lagi eh aku dah lupe...

and then bile smua tu dah prepare.....kami harus bentangkan di sesi presentation terakhir...

so mase presentation tu, sah2 smua org mmg nervous nak mati kerana takut dengan kritikan hebat oleh KSK... we were the 2nd group to present...and..... alhamdulillah! our group presentation went very well, and very fast! agak lawak jugak sebab KSK tak tanye langsung ok group kitorg! and then dia bg commentary mase kitorg habis present...

KSK: Group ni setakat ni has the best reason for the extension of time application. and korg ni je yg layak pegi Shah Alam. kalau tak dpt masuk, bgtau saye. Very good job. well done

Mase tu I was like....are u kidding me? omg... rase mcm nak nangis ok...segala beban terangkat cmtu je. I felt very appreciated....

The conclusion here, final project is the toughest subject ever and I dont want to go through that azab agaiiinnn. tak mau dah ok. And I really dont enjoy doing final project, I mean seriously. Banyak kali I mencarut and penah nangis skali dek kerana subject azab ni...huhuhu

tetapi, on top of all that, I learned lots of things. lagi2 pasal management. and its very useful for ur everyday life. I also learned to trust, and not trust people. Thank you to my group mates Syanim, Nua, Masri and em..Nafis for the teamwork. and also....yeah, hardwork will pay off if u put enough effort in anything you do....

p/s: omg...nak pengsan aku tgk betapa panjangnye entry ni...


Friday, May 6, 2011


1) Singer Industrial Sewing Machine
yes, I want to sew my own clothes
Price: RM 1595 (mengikut laman web Singer)

2) Khind Electric Oven
yes, I want to bake some cookies and cakes
Price: not sure. maybe dalam ratusan ringgit kot

3)Sony Ericsson Satio
yes, I want a new phone
Price: RM 1,138 (lowest price katenye..)

3 months.... 3 months I left this blog, tgk lah ape jadi....

tak guna punye bibik.