Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dunia Baru

New Layout!

amacam? ok tak? ke, mcm hauk je?

hahaha. ape2 pun, i love it. 

new colour theme: Maroon 5. haha. dah. diam.

Monday, September 13, 2010


This blog will be Revamped..

New Name  (no need. i love the name)
New Layout
New Attitude

Coming Soon
(not so soon la)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Heaven? Haven? Sama kah?

hello hello. ok so, i've been hearing a lot la, people confused of the word HEAVEN and HAVEN. pronouncing both mcm they are like the same word.

ok now,

HEAVEN: pronounced as Ha-ven (as in Ha- like u pronounce Hare. except for the -re la. or, like u say Heh.)

HAVEN: pronounced as Hay- ven (as in Hay like u pronounce Hayley, Hay. u get the point kan?)

yeap. itu sahaja. hehe. oh lupa plak nak bg meaning.

a paradise u go to after the day of judgement if u do a lot of good deeds. it is the reverse of Hell

1) A harbour or a port
2) A place where u seek refuge, or rest. in other word, sanctuary


Friday, September 10, 2010

The Time of The Year Again (Aidilfitri version)

Rabiul Awal
Rabiul Akhir
Jamadil Awal
Jamadil Akhir

Wow! dah sebulan dah berpuasa? are u kidding me? mcm baru je smalam i post the blogpost "The Time of The Year Again" versi Ramadhan punye. 

This time, its that time of the year again, where....

Syahdu je dgr takbir raya bergema di udara....terkenang waktu silam..
Pesta makan! Ketupat palas, lemang, nasi himpit, rendang, kuah kacang, lontong, air sirap, kuih raya....bla bla bla..Pergh! 
Tiket bus menjadi buruan. ada yg sanggup membunuh utk mendapatkannya! (ok, tipu yg ekstreme di situ)
Tikus- tikus beraya di jalanraya KL. (sbb terlalu lengang)
Polis forensik bekerja siang mlm examining mayat- mayat mangsa kemalangan Ops Sikap
Bermaaf- maafan di pagi raya...
"Abah, maafkan Joyah ye.."
tgk2, petang raya tu buat balik salah yg sama

and mcm2 lagi la ragam Aidilfitri yg kite bleh nampak. gile la kan nak senaraikan semua kan...hmmm..so...

Saya, Ammar Zahrol
menyusun sepuluh jari yg vogue ini
memohon maaf atas segala kesilapan atau ke-ter-overan, kehanjengan, keterlampauan yg pernah saya utarakan didalam blog ini.

dan akhirnya, saya mengucapkan..


(cue in lagu Bunga Api di Hati)


Friday, September 3, 2010


Mcm ku tak percaya...
Betulkah ini???


19th October
National Stadium Bukit Jalil

KuMahu pergi!
tp on hari selasa plak....

and tix dia mcm adui je...mane ku hendak cari duit ni???
dah la bulan october aku byk pakai duit...

OH GOD!!!!