Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Review

Sekejap je rasenye 2011 ni. Its gonna be ending soon (or it has ended if you are reading this on the 1st January 2012 and beyond).  In my personal views and experience throughout this whole year, macam2 la perkara and peristiwa yang sangat penting yang dah berlaku to me.  So, in this simple post, I just want to highlight the few interesting events/things/occurences that I had experienced throughout this year.

#1: Ended Part 6 of Diploma in Building

oh my god! I never expected that I could finish that diploma. Knowing that I had never ever have anyyy soul in that course, it's a bit of an accomplishment to me la. And paling best bile dpt buat Building Symposium, Building Exhibition and also the ever brutal Final Project. Tak sangka all of that events that I have dreaded before entering part 6, aku dah accomplish and done very well.

BDex: 2nd place for 'Best Exhibition Booth'

Our little green booth

Building Symposium: Jadi emcee for that event and also I had won 'Best Presenter' for Building Science and Material Segment

Final Project: Tamat dengan jayanya!

#2: Choosing Future

Aha yes! 2011 ni jugak aku gelarkan as the year that I changed my future. Wah sampai macam tu digelarnye ha. Yeah because tahun ni la yang meminta kami untuk mengisi borang sambung belajar to degree level, and I have made my choice into choosing NOT to pursue building anymore. And so, I had chosen Advertising as my new playground.  At first, mase tgh isi borang tu, nervousness melanda because I had been in the crossroads between Advertising and also Culinary Arts. Tapi aku redha je and isi je la. Whatever happens, happens.

And then I got for the interview for Mass Comm! Yay me! (tapi nervous gilee at the same time because I had never ever pegi interview yg akademik ni).  So, aku pegi je and alhamdulillah it went well, and alhamdulillah lagi.... SAYA DITERIMA UNTUK MENJADI MASSCOMMER!

#3: Anugerah Naib Canselor dan Konvekesyen

Alhamdulillah syukur kehadrat Allah aku tamat Diploma in Building with the Vice Chancellor Awards.  Walaupun takde la hadiah wang tunai or kereta sebijik ke sebab aku dpt award tu tapiiii, Allah sahaja lah yg tahu betapa peritnye nak dpt gelaran tu. I felt beyond elated bile tgk exam result part 6 tu. Woohoo! Selimpang pink baby! Then it was convocation time, mmg sgt best and rase sgt sebak to be in UiTM Perak again for that prestigious ceremony. Jumpe balik kawan2 lama and my parents attended the ceremony, mmg rase sgt bermakna la.


With familia

posing Miss World ckit

#4: Mass Commer

Tahun ni jugak melihatkan aku berada di fakulti baru, kampus baru, rumah sewa baru, environment baru, kawan2 baru. Yes! Welcome to UiTM Shah Alam. Dapat jugak aku merasa belajar benda yang aku memang minat! (desperate mode: on). 

Tgh buat sifir sotong amende ntah. Senior suruh buat. Sporting je la kan

Ni mase program pemantapan wawasan. Our group 'Casa Grande'. Me as the team leader

#5: Beraya

This seems a lil bit sad, tapi tahun ni la first time my bestfriends beraya kt rumah aku! hahaha. Agak sedih ye di situ.  Tahun ni baru la mereka dpt beraya rumah saya. Salah satu kenangan bagus tahun ini.

Shakirin's house

At my house. Camwhoring in my front of my parents

#6: Kisah sebenar 'S'

This year aku boleh kate, all truth came out and penjelasan yang sebenar telah dibuat.  Ini tentang kehidupan 'S'.  S ni kawan saya sejak sekolah la, dia ni ok je mahakarya agung smua, tapi satu je kami tak puas hati pasal dia ni is that bile mane kami melepak bersama, dia mesti je ade hal la, nak kene balik awal la, mak suruh balik la, and sometimes dia cancel last minute.  So disitu kami agak frust dan marah sehingga kami attack dia mcm2 dgn pelbagai andaian. But, bile saya bertemu sendiri dgn maknye, and baru la aku tau kehidupan dia yg sebenar mcm mane and baru la aku faham kenapa dia kene balik awal bagai.  So, ini dikira sebagai peristiwa penting jugak la bagi aku because if la aku tak bertemu sendiri dgn his mom, mmg aku akan terus buat andaian mcm2 la sampailah skarang ni.

#7: Gadgety

Yeahhha! Tahun ni jugak menyaksikan aku memegang dua gadjet baru dlm hidup. Dua benda ni mmg aku idamkan dah sekian lama. Syukur aku dah dpt dah dua2 ni. Thanks a lot to my mom and dad.

Galaxy Ace

Nikon D3100
Banyak sebenarnye kenangan dalam tahun ni, tahun ni menyaksikan pelbagai peristiwa yang menarik, sedih, and unexpected. We had witnessed revolutions beginning in many parts of the world, death of prominent world leaders, natural disasters menacing, and a whole lot more. 2011 is worth remembering. 

See you next year


Saturday, November 5, 2011


Ho my godddd. My last post was on 31st august! And now dah 5th November!

I am now in my mid term break, so I janji la akan update this sad lil blog. Sooooo many things to be updated about.

Ok, au revoir for now!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Merdeka Tanah Airku

Selamat Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan buat negaraku yang tercinta... MALAYSIA

Walaupun sudah banyak negara yg ku pernah lawati (lawat je, bukan bermastautin)...Malaysia jugak yang best.

The food, the people (walaupun ade certain yg mcm layak mati je), the diverse culture, the FOOD! hahahaha..

Oh Malaysia..walaupun politics here in my opinion sucks to the max, tetapi aku tetap bersyukur kerana takde bunyi bom meletup (bunyi mercun bola meletup adela), takde rusuhan yg mengancam nyawa dan harta benda (mcm yg kat london tu), takde kekurangan makanan (yg ade hanyelah harga barang makanan yg meningkat, but hey, we still have sufficient food rite?) and macam2 lagi la. Kalau aku nak list semua, memang tak mampu la. Ye walaupun negara ni ade mcm2 kes samun la, kes simbah asid la, ragut, rogol, bunuh, samun, rompak..erkk... but still, I feel safe. Polis2 Malaysia bertungkus lumus menjalankan tugas mereka utk menjaga keamanan negara (#optimistic). 

Ok la itu sahaja aku nak ckp.....

A simple poster I made just to remind me of the jerit perih yg pejuang2 kemerdekaan tanah air kite lalui in order to get independence for our beloved country

Oh yeah! And this video, layak untuk dijadikan iklan merdeka on TV. Oh've done it again. Why are you so creative???! (Jealous....but in a good way)


Sunday, August 28, 2011


Senario 1

Me: Umi, sabtu ni Ammar ade interview for, umi dtg ambik Ammar petang2 ckit la
Umi (my mom): Interview for what course?
Me: Mass communication.....
Umi: Mass comm? Kenapa tak apply something mcm architecture? tak rugi ke? bla bla bla (mom nagging)

Senario 2

Kawan: Mar, kau sambung degree ape nanti?
Me: Advertising
Kawan: Owh, fakulti mane?
Me: Mass comm
Kawan: Kau diploma dulu ape eh?
Me: Building
Kawan. Pergh! Jauh gileeeeee!

-saya terus offline-

Senario 3

Cikgu: How bout u? u sambung degree in what?
Me: Owh mass communication, major in advertising
Cikgu: And what did u do for diploma? (here we go again...)
Me: urmm..(mcm taknak jawab kerana dah expect reaksi yg sama)..urm..building. building construction
Cikgu: Wowww. So far???? (kan dah kate...)

Assalamualaikum dan hello to all of you guys! Bercerita tentang jauhnye, yeah still, Im gonna talk about my career path change that had shocked many people. Hahahaha. Yeah seriously, saye dah tak tau nak jawab ape dah bile org bagi reaction sorta like surprised, skeptical, shocked and mcm2 reaction lain towards my answer... 'Mass communication, advertising' and 'building'.

Career....omg, why do so many people associate career with the courses that we are taking in varsities. Ok2 betul, memang la courses tu semua utk menyediakan kite for our working life, but why constrict it? Constriction in the context of, ow kalau kau diploma accounts, degree pun kau kene accounts. Macam mase skolah kau class pure science, so you have to be a doctor or take medical courses ONLY bile sambung pengajian kt university. To me now, no. It doesnt matter anymore. Dulu memang, aku berfikiran bahawa jika kau belajar science, kau kene jd doctor/ jika kau belajar law, kau kene jadi lawyer/ jika kau belajar architecture, kau kene jadi architect.... tp skarang, tidak lagi.

Ok la, aku malas nak cerite panjang2 and meleret leret cuz nanti sampai ke bulan jadinye. haha..ha.ha..heh. My point here is that, most people, bile mereka dah masuk into this certain course, diorg dah tekad and dah sure ape nak jadi, for example...

Mr. Engineer: Saye masuk engineering kerana mak saye suruh jadi engineer, jadi, saye kene jadi engineer and therefore sebab tu saye masuk engineering
Ms Fashionista: I wanna be the greatest fashion designer, and I love fashion a lot, and that's why Im now in the fashion design course
Mr. Surgery Guy: Saye minat sgt bedah2 ni. Saye dari kecik nak jadi dokter. Jadi, saye masuk la course medicine ni utk mengecapi impian saye...

Ok now, so based on pertanyaan tiga individu diatas, mereka dah tau mereka nak jadi ape dan mereka masuk dlm course2 mereka itu kerana mereka dah tetap pendirian. Berbeza dengan saye...kalau anda nak tau, saye ni memang tak tetap pendirian. Kalau hari ni saye ckp esok saye nak pegi post office, tapi bile tibe hari esok, saye akan ke pejabat tanah instead (ok..that's not a good example). Ok senang cerite mcm ni la, saye mmg la pilih course utk kerjaya yg selesa, tetapi disamping itu saye tgk juge kurikulumnya, whether can it benefit me later in life IF saye ambil keputusan utk tidak bekerja dlm bidang itu. Faham tak maksud saye?

Ok cmni la, saye buke cerite la. Dulu mase saye diploma in building, saye ade la jugak minat ckiiiiiit dkt architecture. And ade pernah saye buat keputusan utk mengambil ijazah senibina bile saye dah tamat diploma..tetapi, bile dah lalui 6 semester, termasuk practical training, saye dah sedar bahawa saya tidak mempunyai jiwa utk bekerja dlm pembinaan ni. No soul at all...BUT, I never regret of studying construction. Sebab saye tanam dlm hati saye bahawa, ILMU...ilmu kite boleh gune dimana-mana utk ape2 tujuan (tujuan yg baik that is). Jadi, segala ilmu yang saye pelajari mase diploma tu, saye simpan utk bekalan hari esok. Same jugak mcm belajar dulu kt skolah menengah, saye dlm kelas pure science. But I still remember what is Bernoulli's principle, structure of unicellular organisms, basic chemical equations (basic je la, kalau yg equation panjang2 tu, harap maaf la aku nak ingat) and other science related stuff. Which mase diploma pun,     I have to relate jugak ape yg I belajar mase skolah dulu dlm subjects2 diploma especially Building Science. So, do I regret studying pure science mase skolah dulu? Not at all.

Then, diploma habis, nak masuk degree. Saye mengambil keputusan utk tackle advertising plak. Disinilah saye frust menonggeng. Ramai question my judgement.... kate saye membazir mase la, rugi la saye belajar 6 sem diploma, rugi duit itu ini and other sorts of things. Tapi, knowing me, saye tak ambik kisah pun pandangan org, saye suke ikut kate hati saye. I dont give a shit what people think, cuz I have my own agenda. Setiap pilihan yg saye buat, saye ade reasonnye to why I made that decision. Saye tak buat decision secara 'eeny meeny miny mo' dan 'tutup mate dan pilih secara rawak'. No. Never. I always have a reason. Anyway....yeah, saye pilih advertising kerana saye ade agenda saye. Salah satunye, saye nak belajar cara2 marketing, handling events and upkan lagi my communication skill. Other than that, it will help me jugak nanti in the future when I decide to open my dream cafe. Advertising and marketing is verrrrry important for businesses, lagi2 business kecil-kecilan yang nak berkembang naik. So, boleh nampak tak rasionalnye disitu? 

Selain itu, sekarang juge saye sudah ingin belajar memasak secara sendiri, mungkin nanti bile ade duit lebih, saye akan enrol masuk dlm kelas memasak. Kerana ape? The same reason I choose is for my dream cafe. Sekarang ni motivation saye adelah cafe saye tu. Saye nak jugak buke sebuah cafe yg menjual homemade burgers kepunyaan saye, seorang bumiputera. With cooking skills, I can invent a diverse menu for the cafe. Insya-Allah. And, with my knowledge in construction, I can plan my layout for the cafe, the suitable finishes to be used for the cafe, and dealing with contractors that are going to construct the cafe...

Suara sumbang: Ok fine la, kau nak bukak cafe whatever, tapi kau ade modal ke? Takkan kau habis grad degree nanti kau nak terus bukak cafe tu? 
Saye faham pertanyaan awak. Saye akan kerja dulu dlm bidang advertising atau ape2 bidang je la (sebab skarang ni takleh nak memilih kerja sgt) dan akan start kumpul duit utk cafe itu. Tapi before ade cafe, it is best to start kecil-kecilan dulu kan... Maybe first saye akan set up la gerai  kecilan dulu, then bile dah ade steady cash flow, and permintaan yg tinggi..barulah cafe tu akan dibangunkan. Itulah perancangan saye skarang.  Insya-Allah jike diberi kesempatan. 

Wowww..ini mmg dah jauhnyeeeeew. Dari cakap pasal tukar course, sampai ke cafe plak jadinye. Okla saye nak buat kesimpulan, dunia ni luas...ilmu ade dimana mana, dan Rasulullah S.A.W pun pernah bersabda, 'Tuntutlah ilmu sehingga ke negeri China'. Jadi selagi hidup ni, tuntutlah ilmu utk kebaikan agama, bangsa dan negara. Saye tak belajar kerana kerja...saye belajar utk kehidupan. The simplest things in life, can make a big difference in your life...Jadi, dont ever question people yg tukar course bagai kononnye jauh la whatever...sebab diorg ade reason diorg. Anda boleh menasihat, tetapi jangan menghina atau menjatuhkan. Ok? good....

*post ini bersifat peribadi ckit. Jadi maaf jike terkasar bahase atau termelalut sehingga ke negeri china :)

and maaf juge jika ade typo errors...hehehe


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Address

hey hey. this is just a short notification regarding this blog address.

this blog is changing address, no longer

yeah, susah nak remember kan blog address tu. knows best bagai la. hahaha. so, i've changed to an easier to remember punye address:

ha...kan senang tu. 


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Transition of Ambitions

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera everyone. I think it's not too late of me to wish Selamat Berpuasa to everyone especially you readers out there. Dah 6 hari kite berpuase ye, sekejap saje kan mase berlalu....hmmm...

Anyway, this post is actually inspired by a blogpost of  a friend of mine, Deedy who wrote about his ambition of becoming a renowned entertainment journalist. You can read it all......HERE. So Deedy, yes...u inspired me. hahaha.

When I read his blogpost tu, I pun terfikir...yeah, what did I wished to be ya masa kecik2 dulu. To tell you guys the truth, mcm2 ok cite2 aku..smuanye berubah mengikut waktu...and there fore, the title of this blogpost....

Transition of Ambitions

No no. Takde kene mengena with transition elements in the periodic table... it's just me bercerita dgn u guys about my various ambitions, dari kecik sampai la ke besaq gajah skarang ni. 

Aku ni, dari dulu sampai la skarang...mmg suke berkhayal dan berimaginasi, and of my habits sampai la ke skarang ni is suke betul berkhayal yg aku ni ada tv show sendiri. Serious, kalau korg nak tau, if aku mcm takde ape nak buat, or tgh tggu bus ke, dlm bus ke, or whatever, aku mmg akan berkhayal dlm dunia fantasi aku tu. Aku as a TV HOST. Stakat ni mcm2 tv show dah aku 'kendali' dlm dunia fantasi aku, mostly my own talk show. Aku ingat lagi mase aku umur 7 tahun dulu, datuk sedara aku tanye aku...

Tok Ami: Ammar nak jadi pa nanti bila besaq?

Aku: Ammar nak jadi pengacara la...

Hahaha. Aah. Aku mase skolah rendah dulu, mmg bercita-cita nak jadi pengacara, especially game show host..sebab mase tu aku dipengaruhi oleh Roda Impian dan lain2 program gameshow mase tu. 

Kerjaya sebagai TV talk show host menjadi permainan imaginasi sampai sekarang

Impianku untuk menjadi seorang TV talk show host masih tersemat disanubari...ececece (ok stop). So..lepas tu, aku tak tau ape cite2 aku. Aku macam tak fikir dah pasal cite2, pasal ape yg aku nak jadi nanti bile besaq..sehinggalah aku masuk skolah menengah. Mase zaman2 form 1 and form 2. Kitorg mase tu tgh borak pasal kerjaya and ambitions. Tanye satu sama lain...then bile turn aku...

Kawan aku: Ammar, what do u wanna be?

Aku: I wanna be a lawyer..

LAWYER cuolzz! Mampu tak? Hahahaha. Ha, betul. Mase tu tibe2 cite2 aku was to be a lawyer/peguam. Mungkin sebab mase tu popular with court dramas mcm Ally McBeal, The Practice, and satu lg crite tu aku tak ingat nama dia, tapi yeah, I was ambitioned to be a lawayer...tetapi, ia tak lama la..sebab my mom ckp jgn jadi lawyer...tak berapa berkat org kate. Ye ke? Ha, org kate jd lawyer kena tipu... Oh ye ke... (sorry ye Law students. Saye tak berniat ape2)... Lepas tu, aku pun mcm dah hilang semangat untuk menjadi lawyer.....

Peguam...sering dikaitkan dengan kerjaya yg tidak membawa berkat, tak bawak berkat la pulak katenye....haihh.. habis satu cita2. Then mase berlalu, it was the time where we had to fill up the borang utk kelas form 4, whether nak ambik Pure Science kah, Sub Science kah, Commerce kah or Arts kah. Again, aku dlm dilemma...actually bukan dilemma, its more of a ketidakpastian. Hmm...which should I choose...Atas desakan rakan-rakan lain... saye memilih... Pure Science, and mmg aku dpt pun kelas pure science mase form 4... 

Dalam pure science class, kami belajar the 3 major branches in science which are biology, chemistry and, atas reason itu...satu lagi cite2 berputik di lubuk hatii.... iaitu..aku mahu menjadi seorg.... FORENSIC SCIENTIST.

Ha sudahhh.... forensic pulak dah. Yes. Aku sgt berminat in forensics. Satu reasonnye was maybe I was too indulged into the famous TV show called CSI... crime scene investigation... yeap. Forensics berkait rapat with crime scenes. Bile aku cerita kt kwn2 yg aku nak jd mcm CSI, ramai yg mcm... 

Aiyooo...mau bedah mayat ka?

Eeee..nanti kat universiti kau kene test tidur dalam bilik mayat..

Ammar kau tak takut ke darah and mayat2 ngeri smua??? 

Hmmm...tidak. Aku tak takut ngan darah, and mayat2 ni plak...ok, ada la rase ngeri ckit tp..aku takdela sampai nak termuntah tgk mayat ke ape (Ceh, mcm la kau pernah tgk mayat ngeri dpn mate kau sendiri. Ckp je mmg senang la!). Tp being a forensic scientist tak semestinya kene berdepan ngan mayat je. Mcm2 tugas forensic scientist. Uji DNA, proses bukti2 from tmpt kejadian, buat ujian ballistics, mcm2 la. Aku akui, kerjaya as a forensic scientist is really cooolll. 

Tetapi..... lama kelamaan, minat ku terhadap science smakin luput...and Im no longer passionate about forensics. 

Forensics dan uji kaji...
Hmmm..seperti biase la...lepas satu cite2 sudah tidak diminati lagi, I am left without an ambition..but not for long la. Lepas tu, I began to be interested with magazine publishing, to be specific, fashion magazine. Aku mmg teringin sgt nak keje in the editorial field pulak. You know, making a spread about the latest fashion shows, trends, designers to look for, and all sorts la. Yes again, one movie had strengthen my urge of becoming a renowned FASHION MAGAZINE EDITOR....The Devil Wears Prada. Hahahaa. Since then, I always look into fashion magazines and examining their way of writing, the layouts, the contents, covers, everything la. Termasuk la iklan2 editorial kt dlm tu pun aku examine jugak.

Editor in chief pegang segala kuasa dalam penerbitan sebuah majalah

Yeap yeap. Cita-cita ni masih ada dalam sanubari.... dan sebab itu aku memilih Mass Communication as my field of study utk degree, so that insya-Allah aku dpt masuk into magazine publishing. I hope so. Ha, and then kan, ada lagiii satu cite2 aku... Boleh kate, cite2 ni mmg aku harap akan menjadi la sbb I really have the passion for it... Apekah cite2 itu.... Saya bercita-cita untuk membuka sebuah kafe makanan, which the menu will be comprising of homemade burgers. Ye, daging burger buat sendiri. Anda perasan tak, kedai2 burger kt malaysia ni, daging burger diorg gune lepiaq (leper) mcm pa lagi. The burger patties tak juicy langsung. So, sbb tu la saye bercita-cita utk buka sebuah kafe yg jual burger with homemade burger patties yg lebih juicy, and tak leper mcm baru kena lenyek ngan lori. Insya-Allah. If god willing, dan kewangan yg cukup, I will open the cafe. Lagi satu sebab, I have passion for cooking and I totally lovvveee food. Siapa yang benci terhadap makanan (para2 aneroxia dan bulimia), adalah manusia paling bodoh di dunia (ok, emo sebentar). 

And there you go, these were/are the ambitions yg aku pernah/masih impikan. Harap2, kalau takde aral melintang, aku dpt la kecapi cite2 ku ini... becoming a magazine editor, and also having my own burger cafe, and... my own talk show maybe? hahaha. Insya-Allah. 


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Apa Beza?: Proof and Prove

Hello hello people. This is another short update of me explaining the difference between Proof and Prove.

Anonymous: ek eleh! tak habis-habis pasal bahasa inglish! bosan ah woi! blah ah! ko ingat ko terer sgt ke?

Well Mr. Anonymous, seperti biasa, saya tidak memaksa sesiapa pun baca. Tujuan saya hanya adalah utk clarify penggunaan 2 perkataan diatas itu kerana saya byk jumpa org2 yg menggunakannye dgn salah.... especially when they mixed up between the two. Jadi jika anda sudah pun tau, ataupun tidak mahu ambil tahu... sila je la tekan x dkt window anda (ayat sentap)

Bahasa Melayu translation: bukti

When used as noun: Evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth (bukti yang mencukupi untuk menyakini bahawa sesuatu perkara itu benar)
When used as adjective: Able to withstand (kebolehan mengatasi)
When used as verb: To examine for errors/mistakes (untuk mengenalpasti kesalahan)

Uses in sentences:
-Used as noun-
1) In order to claim the prize, shoppers have to present the proof of purchase of the product at the counter.
2) You cant accuse him of stealing your candy bar if you dont have any solid proof.

-Used as adjective-
1) The windshield of the car is bulletproof. (used with an object)
2) The paint is invented to proof against outdoor temperature changes.

-Used as verb-
1) Advertisements must undergo proofreading before it can be properly advertised.
2) Marion, can you proofread my thesis for me?

Synonyms: confirmation, support, evidence

Bahasa Melayu translation: bukti

Meaning: To establish the truth/to turn out/to give demonstration of by action (untuk membangkitkan kebenaran/untuk terbukti)

Uses in sentences:
1) Prove to me that you are worthy of becoming the next MasterChef.
2) The experiment conducted yesterday has proved to be successful.
3) The antidote has been chemically proven to cure all illnesses. 

Synonyms: demontrate, confirm, verify

- Dua-dua perkataan membawa maksud bukti, tetapi prove adalah lebih kepada penggunaan untuk kata kerja (verb). 

Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus


Monday, July 25, 2011

Apa Beza?: Famous and Infamous

Hello hello people.

This is just a short post of me explaining the use of the words 'famous' and 'infamous' in sentences and the difference between them.

If you already know, ok tak perlu la baca, boleh tekan je x kt atas tu (ayat sentap).

Famous (pronounced fay-muhs)
Bahasa Melayu translation: terkenal
Meaning: having a widespread reputation for something/act that is usually for a good/favourable nature (mempunyai reputasi untuk sesuatu tindakan atau perlakuan yang dilakukan, selalunya untuk tujuan yang baik)
Uses in sentences:
1) Siti Nurhaliza is famous for her angelic vocals.
2) Malaysia is famous for its wide variety of food and culture.
3) The dance crew gave a famous performance.
4) Gordon Ramsay is one of the most famous chefs in the world.
Synonyms: notable, illustrious, celebrated, eminent

Infamous (pronounced in-fuh-muhs)
Bahasa Melayu translation: terkenal
Meaning: having an extremely bad reputation for an act/doing
(mempunyai reputasi yang buruk disebabkan sesuatu kelakuan/tindakan)
Uses in sentences:
1) The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center is an infamous act.
2) Jormal Hanim and Memek Suhaizah are infamous for their scandalous behaviors.
3) Mona Fendi was the most infamous Malaysian outlaw in the late 90's. (outlaw = penjenayah)
Synonyms: notorious, disreputable, wicked, villainous

- Infamous is the opposite of famous
- the root word of famous and infamous is fame
- For a clearer understanding on the pronunciation of infamous, just go to google translate, then translate English to English of the word, then dgr the pronunciation

Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Interview With AZ

Hai selamat sejahtera, saya Maria Bosanova dari Propa TV News akan menemubual seorang budak building dan juga pelajar UiTM Perak yang telah pun menamatkan pengajiannya. Saya akan menyingkap kisah suka duka perjalanannya untuk bergelar America's Next Top Model ...(bunyi rekod pecah)... eh silap. Itu cerita minggu depan.

2 Julai 2011
1.00 pm
Rumah Ammar Zahrol

Maria Bosanova (MB): Hello hai Ammar, terima kasih la kerana sudi meluangkan masa bersama Propa TV hari ni.

Ammar Zahrol (AZ): Ye sama-sama. Saya pun takde kerja nak buat hari ni. So, ok la jugak layan wartawan gila macam awak ni.

MB: Kelassssss gitu tau (<-----konon trademark). Hmm ok first skali kan, saye nak tanye la kan, ape perasaan awak bile first time sampai UiTM Perak tu?

AZ: First time sampai UiTM Perak... mmg takde rase ape sbenarnye. Ok la, a bit nervous and anxious actually knowing that I have no experience at all living in hostels...

Gambar pertama di UiTM Perak. Pintu gate UiTM Perak...
MB: Urmm Ammar, ini Propa TV.. saluran bahasa melayu, bukan MTV ye. So... boleh tak berbahasa melayu? Ke, awak nak translator? (Tangan ke dada, mata ke atas)

AZ: Ow, kena bahasa melayu eh? ok fine takpe. Mcm saye ckp tadi, saya agak gementar dan takut sikit la kan sebab saya tak biasa dengan keadaan duduk asrama. Tak tau nak expect ape kan. So, nak tak nak, redah jer la. Masa part 1 dulu saye dpt kolej Teratai. Tangga punye la tinggi. Sempuut naik tangga. Masuk bilik saya T1303, jumpe ngan roommates. Sorg budak Architecture and sorg budak CS. ada lagi sorg sbenarnye tp dia quit halfway through MMS. Bahasa Inggeris sikit2 bleh kan?

Pintu bilik
MB: Hmm... ye la. Bleh la BI. Tapi sikit2 jerrr... Kelassss gitu tau. Anyway, so awak ada ckp pasal MMS. Ape benda MMS tu?

AZ: Oww MMS, Minggu Mesra Siswa. dulu ktorg panggil MMS. Skarang dah tukar MDS. MMS ni minggu orientasi for Part 1. Omg let me tell you, inilah minggu yg paling saye benci dalam hidup saya selama 6 semester kat situ. Mmg torture ok. Bangun pagi2 seawal 4 o'clock then pg kumpul kt bawah kolej, sape lambat kena denda yg sgt kejam. Then berjalan pegi Pusat Islam for Subuh prayers. Then kuliah subuh, then pegi dewan makan for breakfast, lunch, dinner (makanan mcm makanan penjara), then pegi dewan kuliah dgr ceramah bosan for like many times. Then habis ceramah mcm pukul 11 lebih. Balik kolej kena lecture and tengking lagi wth the OC's. Tidur dlm kul 12 or 1 cmtu, then the cycle goes on. OC plak time MMS tu mmg budget commander. Tengking2 smua suruh jalan cepat, makan cepat, mandi cepat, smua lah nak cepat!

MB: Biasa jerpp....

AZ: Ha! Kau cube la lalui minggu neraka tu!

MB: Choooiiii.. tak nak la kite.

AZ: Tau takpe....

MB: Ha ok2. Next question. You study Diploma in Building ye? Seronok ke nok? Eh..ter-nok pulak... sorry.

AZ: Tak dapat dinafikan la mmg saye tak tau ape benda itu diploma in building. Dan saya memang tak minat, to say the least. So first semester tu mmg ada rase mcm nak tukar course. Tapi I just fikir takpe, lalui je part 1 then tukar course mase part 2.

MB: So? Tukar course la?

AZ: Tidak. Saya tak jadi tukar course. Lama kelamaan, saya dah bond dgn rakan-rakan kelas saya dan juga rakan-rakan saya di kolej. So, kalau nak tukar course tu mcm sayang la plak. Saya tak jadi tukar course sebab kawan-kawan. Benci tetap benci gak kt building ni. So, motivasi saya untuk meneruskan program ni is kawan-kawan and parents. 2 ni je yg kept me going until the grand final semester.

Stop, drop and pose!
Asap santau

Studio cat

Jangan tanye kami sedang buat ape

Calon-calon suami misali. mahu?

MB: Takkan awak benci habis-habisan dekat building ni?

AZ: Takdela saya benci sampai naik meroyan maki hamun setiap kali kelas. Saya akui, smua yg saya belajar mase diploma bangunan mmg sgt useful for me. Kalau bukan utk kerja pun, at least saya bleh guna knowledge tentang construction if saye ditakdirkan nak buat rumah ke, ada masalah dgn perpaipan rumah ke, ape2 je la yg berkait ngan bangunan. At least, I have the basics la.

And bukan itu sahaja, saya sgt bersyukur kerana menjadi pelajar diploma bangunan ni sebab ia mematangkan diri saya and it prepares me for my future. Dalam konteks ni is saya belajar utk membuat satu tesis report, belajar utk memberanikan diri utk pembentangan di khalayak ramai, and also, membuat satu email formal! hahaha. Kalau tak kerana Puan Azira, saya takdenye nak tau pasal email formal ni.

MB: Oww mcm tu. Ok so, kite bercerita tentang kehidupan kolej awak pulak. Boleh ceritakan serba sedikit tentang kehidupan kolej awak?

AZ: Kehidupan di kolej... sangat best sebab di kolej kediaman la saya buat benda yg bukan2. hahaha. Saya dari part 1 hingga part 6 mmg dulu kolej. Alhamdulillah. 1st and 2nd semester di Teratai, and from 3rd to 6th semester saya di Bidara. Mmg best because we got to mix with guys from different courses and bertukar-tukar cerita pasal course masing2 and bergurau senda mcm tak ingat dunia. That was great la. Saya sound terlalu formal ke?

MB: Agakla.... agak boring disitu..(menguap). Ok la, kite ke soalan seterusnya, ape kenangan yg terindah selama awak menuntut di UiTM Perak.

AZ: Kenangan terindah mmg tersangatlah banyak..

MB: Bagi satu dua sudah... Kenangan yang awak paling suka la senang cerita. (Tangan ke dada, mata ke atas)

AZ: You are getting pretty annoying.. ok, anyway.. hmm.. ok la saye bahagi dua la. Kenangan bersama builders and kenangan bersama rakan2 rapat. Ok kenangan dengan building department is of course PGL. Memang I will never ever forget that. Walaupun berlaku kontroversi yang hangat... tapi still saya sgt2 bangga dgn smua pelakon dlm PGL. Kay, Tasriq, Shima, Azri, Iman, Che Naimah, Naimah, Ija, Ain, Meen, Yunie, Nua and of course Bego, you guys did awesome job. Selain daripada PGL, I suka mase batch kitorg handled the Builders Nite bertemakan Arabian Nite. A great night that was. Other than that, kenangan jugak is mase Builders Symposium 2011 where I was the emcee along with Nad, saye minta smua hadirin duduk walhal lagu UiTM Di Hatiku belum dinyanyikan. pergh! Malu gile time tu! hahaha. and of course being an emcee for the Emeritus Professor Norman Fisher talk was also an honour.

PGL berkipas

Semangat koir

PGL ngan dayang-dayang

Then, kenangan with kawan-kawan lain plak pun best and very gila. Mostly smua berlaku kt kolej. Kalau tension je, DRAG! hahahha. Then I masih ingat yg kami tolong kwn2 fashion kami to siapkan their costumes mase Part 3. That was truly a memorable moment. And then of course, the infamous 'Hey hey hey.. Nasi Lemak!' hahaha. Tolong my friend Fadh jual2 nasi lemak. That was really funny. Adam Lambert jual nasi lemak. Bayangkan. hahaha. Then of course the 'Lacurans' session di depan pintu bilik setiap malam. And sesi 'curhat' yg membawa pergaduhan and also tangisan. Those were really bitchy moments. And the infamous 'Abg Chicken Chop'. hahaha. gile la kami.

Buat costume sampai ke courtyard ye

Adam Lambert menyiapkan costumenye

Kami kawan baik

Kami comel

Photoshoot emon

Zaman muda trang tang tang

Kempen Jelirkan Lidah Anda

With the Fashionistas.. (Gambar dipetik dari fb Syafira Ilias)

MB: Habis dah? ke ada lagi?

AZ: Aku yg patut tanye tu kat kau

MB: Kelassss gitu tau. Anyway, so lepas ni, ape je?

AZ: Alhamdulillah, I got into Mass Communication majoring in advertising utk degree, which is in UiTM Shah Alam la plak lepas ni. New course, new faculty, new campus.

Langkah seterusnya

MB: What do u hope for your degree? Chewah speaking London la plak I ni. hahahaha!

AZ: .................

MB: Ok, teruskan..

AZ: Ape yg I harap is I can carry the new course and score good grades cuz its a challenge for me also sebab yela kan, dah tukar course, you've got to learn new things and understand it in a short time but I tak kisah sebab I minat bidang ni and Im determined to do the best.

MB: Oklah, sebelum kite menutup tirai perbualan ni. Any last words?

AZ: Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin memohon maaf kepada semua pihak yg terlibat secara langsung or tidak langsung dgn saye jikalau saye ada terkasar bahasa dan membuatkan mereka tidak puas hati. Saya mengaku saya manusia yg tidak perfect dan ada je membuat kesalahan, especially to the lecturers. Sebab saye selalu suke kutuk and mengajuk lecturer. And of course to my Perak friends, thank you for making my stay in Perak for 3 years worthy for me. You guys are the heart and soul. Do your degree well, and always support each other, not condemning each other. Teruskan cita-cita korg, and saye harap korg tidak akan melupakan saya...

MB: Ok, terima kasih lah Ammar ye kerana bersama Propa TV yg sangat propa ni. Sebenarnye, mana ada Propa TV pun. Saye saje je bosan2 tak tau nak buat pe kt saya dtg je la konon menemubual awak ni. hahahahaha! Okay, kite kembali ke Sri Pentas.

AZ: ....................weirdo


Monday, June 27, 2011

Result dan Kehidupan

"Oh no, my result sux.... im so not gonna be successful"

"Result aku teruk.... aku malu sgt ngan korg. Aku tak sepandai korg"

"Im gonna kill myself before my mom kills me when she sees my results"

Results.... how it affects lives. perghh.. menakutkan. 

Hai everybody!


ok takpe. This post is actually inspired by my friend. My high school junior to be exact. How he struggles to go through life when his SPM results are not so classy as others. Rejected by universities and it led him to cursing the government and being in a low self esteem position. Ni smua berpunca daripada.... result. Result exam to be exact.

My observation has seen (observation has seen? ape punye grammar ni?), ok rephrase. Through my observation, the sistem pendidikan in Malaysia is still exam oriented thus leading towards this 'result enigma' (enigma tu ape? aku main taram je letak) where the ones with tons of A's are considerably the ones to be successful and the least A's are considered not going to be successful and ending up keje in McD as a service crew for the rest of their lives. This scene has led to teenagers being pressured by their parents and teachers. 

"You must get all A's! or else, siap la kau!"

Im not saying for all student to fail miserably in their exams cuz to me result bagus mmg sgt penting lagi-lagi keadaan skarang ni where employers nak cari pekerja result gempak-gempak je. TETAPI.... good results alone dont cut it. Tak cukup. Not enough. No es suficiente. Non basta. (ok ok. we get it. not enough. tak perlu la google translate 'not enough' ke byk bahasa)

Ok imagine, u dapat banyak gile A ni. CGPA plak 3.99 or 4 flat (perghhhh). then u apply for interview, dpt interview, dpt kerja. ok fine. then when the time boss bagi u kerja...... u have no idea what to do. Why u ask?? well one thing is, U STUDY FOR EXAM. It is important when u study, u study for life, bukan sekadar untuk lulus exam and good grades je. U will be astounded when u figured out u can use everything that you've learnt in ur daily life. 

Seterusnya, apa lah gunanya CGPA tinggi tetapi u cant even communicate properly with ur co-workers/sub ordinates/ boss/ macai/ kuli. Communication is a realllly important thing because base on your communication skills org boleh label kau sebagai org jenis ape. Lagi teruk if you are anti-social. Colleague ajak makan pun u tak mau. Ajak sembang, langsung tak tau nak fit in. Kalau u in a marketing field, lagi la parah hidup u. U jd org yg membosankan and will die forever alone...

forever alone...... kesian

Result sbenarnye tak menentukan sepenuhnya jalan hidup you. Yang penting kt sini is usaha you untuk make yourself useful for the country. Ok, so you dapat result yg tak berapa bagus, cgpa pula tak berapa memuaskan. tidak mengapa. its not the end of the world till God says so. it aint over till the fat lady sings. U dah dpt result, and dah. thats it. move forward. jgn dikenang lagi. Go out there and explore oppurtunities.  Kekadang, u takkan dpt pun kerja yg selari dgn ur degree/diploma. Kekadang u akan dpt kerja yg selari with ur skills. Ok u have a degree in accountancy, but mungkin u akan dpt kerja in graphic design cuz u terer gile in Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design and ape kejadah tu. Maybe u have degree in construction, tp u dpt keje in public relations cuz u have the skill to connect with people. That leads to my next point, SOFT SKILLS.

Soft skill ni memang penting doh. Cuz to me, ur soft skill akan reflect who you are as a person. Mcm2 skill la that u can acquire throughout ur lifetime, lagi2 mase belajar. Masa belajar la u can learn sooooo many things. And through my experience, I byk belajar through participation in activities and also through mingling with friends. Friends pun sumber utama gak tau utk u belajar mcm2 benda. so, bile kt universiti tu, jgn la berkawan with one type of people je. Berkawan je dgn mcm2 jenis org. From there, u can see how diverse people really are. Sambil u berkawan tu, kutip2 la knowledge drpd diorg. Ada yg pandai masak, pandai berlakon, pandai berkata-kata, pandai photoshop, pandai maths, pandai buat baju, pandai organize, pandai tipu (hey, ni satu skill jugak tau), pandai drift, and mcm2 pandai lagi la. When u acquire these knowledge from them, secara tak langsung ur resume pun akan jadi lagi exciting. And employers pun akan tertarik with u cuz u know so many things. 

And lastly, benda yg paaaaaaling penting is EFFORT dan KEREDHAAN DARI ILLAHI. Kalau u asyik berdoa je tapi takde usaha, pun tak bleh gak..and if u usaha gile2 sampai kaya bebenor tetapi tak pernah ingat kepada Yang Maha Esa pun, tak bleh gak. so both of these elements go hand in hand. Most successful businessmen bukannye ada SPM pun, and ada gak cgpa yg rendah2, tetapi they dont care about that, they put in the effort to achieve their dreams, and most of them succeed tremendously. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan. Kite jgn nak mengharap kat org je untuk bagi kite peluang, kite sendiri yang kena cari peluang tu. 

So, di sini saya nak menyatakan, yes of course your parents are going to be a lil bit disappointed when u get bad/ unsatisfactory results, sbb u dah membazirkan duit mereka yg menghantar u pegi study mahal2 and everything, tapi its fate u nak dpt result cmtu, so its ur time to make it up to them by living ur lifelong dreams and turn it into something useful that can make u and ur family live a happy life. Just go seek the oppurtunity. Peluang ada di mana-mana. Insyaallah. 

So to sum up, 

Good result + Soft skills + Effort + Keredhaan Illahi = Awesomeness

Good result + Soft skills + Effort - Keredhaan Illahi = Hell 

Bad result - Soft skills - Effort + Doa = Papa Kedana

Bad result - Soft skills - Effort - Doa = Mayat Hidup

Bad result + Soft skills + Effort + Doa = Awesomeness


Monday, May 30, 2011

Rentetan Pelajar Part 6

saje nak kongsi ngan korang the montage that we've made for our department dinner last semester.. hehe

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Reporto de' Practicolo


Pada kali ini saye nak bercerita tentang Practical Report Department of Building

hey, bukan kau dah habis practical ke? dah nak grad dah pun. buat ape la cite pasal practical report lagi??
Ye....sesungguhnya saye dah habis diploma...tapi entry ni bukan untuk saye..tapi untuk juniors saye yang tengah practical skarang ni....sebab ape saye buat entry khas ni sebab saye dpt mcm2 soalan dan resahan seperti:

Abg ammar, report cmne ek? risau la...
aku takut ah ngan report, cmne nak buat?
senior, nak tanye ckit bleh? ape sbenarnye nak tulis utk report?
abang ammar ni comel la... 

ok, not including the last one la kan...(haha..ha...heh). Ok, dont fret, in this entry I will explain yg semampu boleh la to all of youusss (kalau korg baca la kann)

Kenapa kena buat report??
Report ni kite kena buat as a kelayakan kite untuk pass practical training (and insyaallah utk 4 flatt).

Kenapa kena buat dengan terbaik??
Sebab report kite ni merangkap juga sebagai thesis kite, which is kajian kite sendiri. The reports will be binded hard cover and then akan diletakkan dlm library utk tatapan umum..(seterusnya diletakkan dalam bilik stor persatuan utk tatapan sawang labah-labah)

Bagaimana nak hasilkan report terbaik?
Report practical consist of many elements and chapters, they are:


ok, so sebelum memulakan report, beberapa key elements yang perlu diambilkira dahulu which are:

  • Bahasa pengantar
  • Tajuk report
  • Kehendak lecturer penyelia
Bahasa pengantar - choose sama ada dlm BM/English. yg mane yg korg lebih prefer and selesa. Sometimes lecturer penyelia akan request korg buat dlm bahasa yg dia nak for example bahasa latin ke, perancis ke, tamil ke.  (mcm saye dulu Cik-soon to be Puan- Azira request kami buat dlm BM)

Tajuk report - ini memang masalah terbesar sebilangan budak2 practical...takleh nak start report sebab takde tajuk. dont worry kawan2, explore habis habisan site and office korg tu. jgn terlalu pressure dengan desakan lecturer yg nak tajuk report yg vavavoom gile2. tanye2 la ngan supervisor korg kt site and office, diorg akan segala hormatnye menolong korg utk dapatkan tajuk report yg sesuai and yang senang korg nak cari bahan. tp jgn lupe utk proceed tajuk tu ngan lecturer masing2 na.

Kehendak lecturer penyelia - kekadang, lecturer kite nak something yg lain drpd manual cara penulisan report practical yg kite dpt mase wacana akademik tu. so, consult je la ngan lecturer korg na.


Penghargaan - include la nama pensyarah penyelia, nama KP, nama koordinator latihan praktikal, nama penyelia tapak and whatsoever la. sesape saje la yg tolong korg secara langsung/tidak langsung

Abstrak - abstrak ni is somewhat a ringkasan of the practical report. cerita in brief tentang kandungan laporan practical korg tu. from A to Z. tp briefly je. cerita the flow of the report.

Senarai bagai - senarai-senarai tu smua is a register of rajah, gambarfoto, jadual yg korg masukkan dlm report korg tu.

Bab 1 - pengenalan kepada report practical korg. sub2 topicnye includes:
  • 1.1 Pengenalan - cerita secara general tentang tajuk korg
  • 1.2 Pemilihan tajuk kajian - cerita kenapa korg pilih tajuk ni
  • 1.3 Objektif kajian - include not more than 3 SAHAJA (paling afdhal maximum 3 objektif)
  • 1.4 Skop kajian - elemen2 yang korg nak cerita dlm report ni (berpandukan objektif)
  • 1.5 Kaedah Kajian - sumber primer(temuramah/pemerhatian/data2 progress report/etc.), sumber sekunder (buku/majalah/internet/jurnal/etc.)
Bab 2 - latar belakang syarikat korg. sub2 topic:
  • 2.1 Pengenalan - brief description tentang skop kerja dan lokasi syarikat
  • 2.2 Sejarah penubuhan syarikat - cerita pasal susur galur syarikat tu
  • 2.3 Objektif syarikat - kalau takde, reka je
  • 2.4 Carta organisasi syarikat - carta syarikat tau, bukan tapak 
  • 2.5 Senarai projek yang telah siap
  • 2.6 Senarai projek dalam pembinaan
mane nak dpt smua ni?: company profile syarikat korg. kalau takde, tanye je la staff2 kt ctu.

Bab 3 - Kajian teoritikal ni adalah satu bab yang penting and byk org kena re-do. teoritikal ni kite masukkan maklumat2 based on sumber sekunder (buku/majalah/jurnal/internet). key elements yang penting:
  • Rujuk objektif dalam bab 1 - means, segala maklumat yg kite nak letak dlm teoritikal ni MUST reflect on your objectives. Contoh: objektif anda is - Mengenalpasti cara-cara pembuatan tender. so, dlm teoritikal ni, korg include segala general information tentang tender (contoooh). ingat, teoritikal ni kite include maklumat secara general tentang tajuk report kite. MUST BASED ON OBJECTIVES. jgn main suke2 je letak ape benda pun yg tak relevant
  • Susunan/flow yang kemas - pastikan korg susun sub topic korg tu dgn kemas, preferably based on the flow of the objectives also.
  • CITATION - PALINGGGG penting dlm bab 3. kalau takde citation, korg akan dilabel PLAGIATT. and juga, pastikan citation and senarai rujukan adalah sama, tak kurang tak lebih. 
         contoh citation: Menurut Robert (2008)......
                                 Mengikut Kamus Dewan (1987).....
                                 .....adalah teknologi yang tercanggih untuk pembinaan (Harris, 2011).

Bab 4 - bab kajian korg sendiri. as usual, kandungan korg dlm bab 4 ni MESTI menjawab objektif dalam bab 1 and teoritikal dalam bab 3. mcm dlm bab 3, its generally about the tajuk, in bab 4, dia dah go lebih detail. Bab 4 ni kite gune sumber primer (temubual/pemerhatian/drawings/etc) untuk kite lengkapkan. 

Bab 5 - kesimpulan...(dah nak habis dah!). kesimpulan ni korg simpulkanlah satu report ni. include la harapan, cadangan and whatsoever yg korg rase appropriate utk diletakkan dlm bab ni.... 

Senarai rujukan - pastikan in APA format (apa itu APA? rujuk lecturer penyelia)

Lastly, beberapa general reminder:

  • SELALU contact lecturer penyelia. tanye ape2 yg patut utk clarify korg punye persoalan tentang mcm mane nak buat report. tp korg jgn la plak contact setiap sejam. at least in a week, contact la. sebab lecturer korg pun nak tau gak progress korg cmne.
  • HANTAR progress report on time mengikut jadual yg dikeluarkan oleh koordinator praktikal (En Azim kan?). sebab, setiap penghantaran ada markahnye...
  • JANGANlah korg copy paste sebijik sebijik from internet...sebab, lecturer bleh detect ok. nanti tak pasal2 dilabel plagiat.
  • SAVE soft copy report korg ni in more than 1 disk. as a back up. jgn jd cm aku.... save smua dlm external...last2 external hancus, takleh nak bukak dah..kena type balik...mampu?
  • JANGAN malas2 na.... buat report tu kay. jgn buat last minute. nanti keje ke mane, report ke mane. 

ok la..rasenye tu je kot pasal report. harap2 korg faham la dengan penerangan saye ni...kalau tak tau nak bayangkan report practical rupe cmne, korg bleh g kt side bar kanan ni -----------------------> tekan kt PRACTICAL REPORT. kalau ada ape2 soalan, jgn segan nak tanye ye...
