Thursday, July 28, 2011

Apa Beza?: Proof and Prove

Hello hello people. This is another short update of me explaining the difference between Proof and Prove.

Anonymous: ek eleh! tak habis-habis pasal bahasa inglish! bosan ah woi! blah ah! ko ingat ko terer sgt ke?

Well Mr. Anonymous, seperti biasa, saya tidak memaksa sesiapa pun baca. Tujuan saya hanya adalah utk clarify penggunaan 2 perkataan diatas itu kerana saya byk jumpa org2 yg menggunakannye dgn salah.... especially when they mixed up between the two. Jadi jika anda sudah pun tau, ataupun tidak mahu ambil tahu... sila je la tekan x dkt window anda (ayat sentap)

Bahasa Melayu translation: bukti

When used as noun: Evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth (bukti yang mencukupi untuk menyakini bahawa sesuatu perkara itu benar)
When used as adjective: Able to withstand (kebolehan mengatasi)
When used as verb: To examine for errors/mistakes (untuk mengenalpasti kesalahan)

Uses in sentences:
-Used as noun-
1) In order to claim the prize, shoppers have to present the proof of purchase of the product at the counter.
2) You cant accuse him of stealing your candy bar if you dont have any solid proof.

-Used as adjective-
1) The windshield of the car is bulletproof. (used with an object)
2) The paint is invented to proof against outdoor temperature changes.

-Used as verb-
1) Advertisements must undergo proofreading before it can be properly advertised.
2) Marion, can you proofread my thesis for me?

Synonyms: confirmation, support, evidence

Bahasa Melayu translation: bukti

Meaning: To establish the truth/to turn out/to give demonstration of by action (untuk membangkitkan kebenaran/untuk terbukti)

Uses in sentences:
1) Prove to me that you are worthy of becoming the next MasterChef.
2) The experiment conducted yesterday has proved to be successful.
3) The antidote has been chemically proven to cure all illnesses. 

Synonyms: demontrate, confirm, verify

- Dua-dua perkataan membawa maksud bukti, tetapi prove adalah lebih kepada penggunaan untuk kata kerja (verb). 

Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus


Monday, July 25, 2011

Apa Beza?: Famous and Infamous

Hello hello people.

This is just a short post of me explaining the use of the words 'famous' and 'infamous' in sentences and the difference between them.

If you already know, ok tak perlu la baca, boleh tekan je x kt atas tu (ayat sentap).

Famous (pronounced fay-muhs)
Bahasa Melayu translation: terkenal
Meaning: having a widespread reputation for something/act that is usually for a good/favourable nature (mempunyai reputasi untuk sesuatu tindakan atau perlakuan yang dilakukan, selalunya untuk tujuan yang baik)
Uses in sentences:
1) Siti Nurhaliza is famous for her angelic vocals.
2) Malaysia is famous for its wide variety of food and culture.
3) The dance crew gave a famous performance.
4) Gordon Ramsay is one of the most famous chefs in the world.
Synonyms: notable, illustrious, celebrated, eminent

Infamous (pronounced in-fuh-muhs)
Bahasa Melayu translation: terkenal
Meaning: having an extremely bad reputation for an act/doing
(mempunyai reputasi yang buruk disebabkan sesuatu kelakuan/tindakan)
Uses in sentences:
1) The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center is an infamous act.
2) Jormal Hanim and Memek Suhaizah are infamous for their scandalous behaviors.
3) Mona Fendi was the most infamous Malaysian outlaw in the late 90's. (outlaw = penjenayah)
Synonyms: notorious, disreputable, wicked, villainous

- Infamous is the opposite of famous
- the root word of famous and infamous is fame
- For a clearer understanding on the pronunciation of infamous, just go to google translate, then translate English to English of the word, then dgr the pronunciation

Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Interview With AZ

Hai selamat sejahtera, saya Maria Bosanova dari Propa TV News akan menemubual seorang budak building dan juga pelajar UiTM Perak yang telah pun menamatkan pengajiannya. Saya akan menyingkap kisah suka duka perjalanannya untuk bergelar America's Next Top Model ...(bunyi rekod pecah)... eh silap. Itu cerita minggu depan.

2 Julai 2011
1.00 pm
Rumah Ammar Zahrol

Maria Bosanova (MB): Hello hai Ammar, terima kasih la kerana sudi meluangkan masa bersama Propa TV hari ni.

Ammar Zahrol (AZ): Ye sama-sama. Saya pun takde kerja nak buat hari ni. So, ok la jugak layan wartawan gila macam awak ni.

MB: Kelassssss gitu tau (<-----konon trademark). Hmm ok first skali kan, saye nak tanye la kan, ape perasaan awak bile first time sampai UiTM Perak tu?

AZ: First time sampai UiTM Perak... mmg takde rase ape sbenarnye. Ok la, a bit nervous and anxious actually knowing that I have no experience at all living in hostels...

Gambar pertama di UiTM Perak. Pintu gate UiTM Perak...
MB: Urmm Ammar, ini Propa TV.. saluran bahasa melayu, bukan MTV ye. So... boleh tak berbahasa melayu? Ke, awak nak translator? (Tangan ke dada, mata ke atas)

AZ: Ow, kena bahasa melayu eh? ok fine takpe. Mcm saye ckp tadi, saya agak gementar dan takut sikit la kan sebab saya tak biasa dengan keadaan duduk asrama. Tak tau nak expect ape kan. So, nak tak nak, redah jer la. Masa part 1 dulu saye dpt kolej Teratai. Tangga punye la tinggi. Sempuut naik tangga. Masuk bilik saya T1303, jumpe ngan roommates. Sorg budak Architecture and sorg budak CS. ada lagi sorg sbenarnye tp dia quit halfway through MMS. Bahasa Inggeris sikit2 bleh kan?

Pintu bilik
MB: Hmm... ye la. Bleh la BI. Tapi sikit2 jerrr... Kelassss gitu tau. Anyway, so awak ada ckp pasal MMS. Ape benda MMS tu?

AZ: Oww MMS, Minggu Mesra Siswa. dulu ktorg panggil MMS. Skarang dah tukar MDS. MMS ni minggu orientasi for Part 1. Omg let me tell you, inilah minggu yg paling saye benci dalam hidup saya selama 6 semester kat situ. Mmg torture ok. Bangun pagi2 seawal 4 o'clock then pg kumpul kt bawah kolej, sape lambat kena denda yg sgt kejam. Then berjalan pegi Pusat Islam for Subuh prayers. Then kuliah subuh, then pegi dewan makan for breakfast, lunch, dinner (makanan mcm makanan penjara), then pegi dewan kuliah dgr ceramah bosan for like many times. Then habis ceramah mcm pukul 11 lebih. Balik kolej kena lecture and tengking lagi wth the OC's. Tidur dlm kul 12 or 1 cmtu, then the cycle goes on. OC plak time MMS tu mmg budget commander. Tengking2 smua suruh jalan cepat, makan cepat, mandi cepat, smua lah nak cepat!

MB: Biasa jerpp....

AZ: Ha! Kau cube la lalui minggu neraka tu!

MB: Choooiiii.. tak nak la kite.

AZ: Tau takpe....

MB: Ha ok2. Next question. You study Diploma in Building ye? Seronok ke nok? Eh..ter-nok pulak... sorry.

AZ: Tak dapat dinafikan la mmg saye tak tau ape benda itu diploma in building. Dan saya memang tak minat, to say the least. So first semester tu mmg ada rase mcm nak tukar course. Tapi I just fikir takpe, lalui je part 1 then tukar course mase part 2.

MB: So? Tukar course la?

AZ: Tidak. Saya tak jadi tukar course. Lama kelamaan, saya dah bond dgn rakan-rakan kelas saya dan juga rakan-rakan saya di kolej. So, kalau nak tukar course tu mcm sayang la plak. Saya tak jadi tukar course sebab kawan-kawan. Benci tetap benci gak kt building ni. So, motivasi saya untuk meneruskan program ni is kawan-kawan and parents. 2 ni je yg kept me going until the grand final semester.

Stop, drop and pose!
Asap santau

Studio cat

Jangan tanye kami sedang buat ape

Calon-calon suami misali. mahu?

MB: Takkan awak benci habis-habisan dekat building ni?

AZ: Takdela saya benci sampai naik meroyan maki hamun setiap kali kelas. Saya akui, smua yg saya belajar mase diploma bangunan mmg sgt useful for me. Kalau bukan utk kerja pun, at least saya bleh guna knowledge tentang construction if saye ditakdirkan nak buat rumah ke, ada masalah dgn perpaipan rumah ke, ape2 je la yg berkait ngan bangunan. At least, I have the basics la.

And bukan itu sahaja, saya sgt bersyukur kerana menjadi pelajar diploma bangunan ni sebab ia mematangkan diri saya and it prepares me for my future. Dalam konteks ni is saya belajar utk membuat satu tesis report, belajar utk memberanikan diri utk pembentangan di khalayak ramai, and also, membuat satu email formal! hahaha. Kalau tak kerana Puan Azira, saya takdenye nak tau pasal email formal ni.

MB: Oww mcm tu. Ok so, kite bercerita tentang kehidupan kolej awak pulak. Boleh ceritakan serba sedikit tentang kehidupan kolej awak?

AZ: Kehidupan di kolej... sangat best sebab di kolej kediaman la saya buat benda yg bukan2. hahaha. Saya dari part 1 hingga part 6 mmg dulu kolej. Alhamdulillah. 1st and 2nd semester di Teratai, and from 3rd to 6th semester saya di Bidara. Mmg best because we got to mix with guys from different courses and bertukar-tukar cerita pasal course masing2 and bergurau senda mcm tak ingat dunia. That was great la. Saya sound terlalu formal ke?

MB: Agakla.... agak boring disitu..(menguap). Ok la, kite ke soalan seterusnya, ape kenangan yg terindah selama awak menuntut di UiTM Perak.

AZ: Kenangan terindah mmg tersangatlah banyak..

MB: Bagi satu dua sudah... Kenangan yang awak paling suka la senang cerita. (Tangan ke dada, mata ke atas)

AZ: You are getting pretty annoying.. ok, anyway.. hmm.. ok la saye bahagi dua la. Kenangan bersama builders and kenangan bersama rakan2 rapat. Ok kenangan dengan building department is of course PGL. Memang I will never ever forget that. Walaupun berlaku kontroversi yang hangat... tapi still saya sgt2 bangga dgn smua pelakon dlm PGL. Kay, Tasriq, Shima, Azri, Iman, Che Naimah, Naimah, Ija, Ain, Meen, Yunie, Nua and of course Bego, you guys did awesome job. Selain daripada PGL, I suka mase batch kitorg handled the Builders Nite bertemakan Arabian Nite. A great night that was. Other than that, kenangan jugak is mase Builders Symposium 2011 where I was the emcee along with Nad, saye minta smua hadirin duduk walhal lagu UiTM Di Hatiku belum dinyanyikan. pergh! Malu gile time tu! hahaha. and of course being an emcee for the Emeritus Professor Norman Fisher talk was also an honour.

PGL berkipas

Semangat koir

PGL ngan dayang-dayang

Then, kenangan with kawan-kawan lain plak pun best and very gila. Mostly smua berlaku kt kolej. Kalau tension je, DRAG! hahahha. Then I masih ingat yg kami tolong kwn2 fashion kami to siapkan their costumes mase Part 3. That was truly a memorable moment. And then of course, the infamous 'Hey hey hey.. Nasi Lemak!' hahaha. Tolong my friend Fadh jual2 nasi lemak. That was really funny. Adam Lambert jual nasi lemak. Bayangkan. hahaha. Then of course the 'Lacurans' session di depan pintu bilik setiap malam. And sesi 'curhat' yg membawa pergaduhan and also tangisan. Those were really bitchy moments. And the infamous 'Abg Chicken Chop'. hahaha. gile la kami.

Buat costume sampai ke courtyard ye

Adam Lambert menyiapkan costumenye

Kami kawan baik

Kami comel

Photoshoot emon

Zaman muda trang tang tang

Kempen Jelirkan Lidah Anda

With the Fashionistas.. (Gambar dipetik dari fb Syafira Ilias)

MB: Habis dah? ke ada lagi?

AZ: Aku yg patut tanye tu kat kau

MB: Kelassss gitu tau. Anyway, so lepas ni, ape je?

AZ: Alhamdulillah, I got into Mass Communication majoring in advertising utk degree, which is in UiTM Shah Alam la plak lepas ni. New course, new faculty, new campus.

Langkah seterusnya

MB: What do u hope for your degree? Chewah speaking London la plak I ni. hahahaha!

AZ: .................

MB: Ok, teruskan..

AZ: Ape yg I harap is I can carry the new course and score good grades cuz its a challenge for me also sebab yela kan, dah tukar course, you've got to learn new things and understand it in a short time but I tak kisah sebab I minat bidang ni and Im determined to do the best.

MB: Oklah, sebelum kite menutup tirai perbualan ni. Any last words?

AZ: Di kesempatan ini, saya ingin memohon maaf kepada semua pihak yg terlibat secara langsung or tidak langsung dgn saye jikalau saye ada terkasar bahasa dan membuatkan mereka tidak puas hati. Saya mengaku saya manusia yg tidak perfect dan ada je membuat kesalahan, especially to the lecturers. Sebab saye selalu suke kutuk and mengajuk lecturer. And of course to my Perak friends, thank you for making my stay in Perak for 3 years worthy for me. You guys are the heart and soul. Do your degree well, and always support each other, not condemning each other. Teruskan cita-cita korg, and saye harap korg tidak akan melupakan saya...

MB: Ok, terima kasih lah Ammar ye kerana bersama Propa TV yg sangat propa ni. Sebenarnye, mana ada Propa TV pun. Saye saje je bosan2 tak tau nak buat pe kt saya dtg je la konon menemubual awak ni. hahahahaha! Okay, kite kembali ke Sri Pentas.

AZ: ....................weirdo
