Sekejap je rasenye 2011 ni. Its gonna be ending soon (or it has ended if you are reading this on the 1st January 2012 and beyond). In my personal views and experience throughout this whole year, macam2 la perkara and peristiwa yang sangat penting yang dah berlaku to me. So, in this simple post, I just want to highlight the few interesting events/things/occurences that I had experienced throughout this year.
#1: Ended Part 6 of Diploma in Building
oh my god! I never expected that I could finish that diploma. Knowing that I had never ever have anyyy soul in that course, it's a bit of an accomplishment to me la. And paling best bile dpt buat Building Symposium, Building Exhibition and also the ever brutal Final Project. Tak sangka all of that events that I have dreaded before entering part 6, aku dah accomplish and done very well.
BDex: 2nd place for 'Best Exhibition Booth'
Building Symposium: Jadi emcee for that event and also I had won 'Best Presenter' for Building Science and Material Segment
#1: Ended Part 6 of Diploma in Building
oh my god! I never expected that I could finish that diploma. Knowing that I had never ever have anyyy soul in that course, it's a bit of an accomplishment to me la. And paling best bile dpt buat Building Symposium, Building Exhibition and also the ever brutal Final Project. Tak sangka all of that events that I have dreaded before entering part 6, aku dah accomplish and done very well.
BDex: 2nd place for 'Best Exhibition Booth'
Our little green booth |
Emcee-ing |
#2: Choosing Future
Aha yes! 2011 ni jugak aku gelarkan as the year that I changed my future. Wah sampai macam tu digelarnye ha. Yeah because tahun ni la yang meminta kami untuk mengisi borang sambung belajar to degree level, and I have made my choice into choosing NOT to pursue building anymore. And so, I had chosen Advertising as my new playground. At first, mase tgh isi borang tu, nervousness melanda because I had been in the crossroads between Advertising and also Culinary Arts. Tapi aku redha je and isi je la. Whatever happens, happens.
And then I got for the interview for Mass Comm! Yay me! (tapi nervous gilee at the same time because I had never ever pegi interview yg akademik ni). So, aku pegi je and alhamdulillah it went well, and alhamdulillah lagi.... SAYA DITERIMA UNTUK MENJADI MASSCOMMER!
#3: Anugerah Naib Canselor dan Konvekesyen
Alhamdulillah syukur kehadrat Allah aku tamat Diploma in Building with the Vice Chancellor Awards. Walaupun takde la hadiah wang tunai or kereta sebijik ke sebab aku dpt award tu tapiiii, Allah sahaja lah yg tahu betapa peritnye nak dpt gelaran tu. I felt beyond elated bile tgk exam result part 6 tu. Woohoo! Selimpang pink baby! Then it was convocation time, mmg sgt best and rase sgt sebak to be in UiTM Perak again for that prestigious ceremony. Jumpe balik kawan2 lama and my parents attended the ceremony, mmg rase sgt bermakna la.
Menyanyah |
With familia |
posing Miss World ckit |
#4: Mass Commer
Tahun ni jugak melihatkan aku berada di fakulti baru, kampus baru, rumah sewa baru, environment baru, kawan2 baru. Yes! Welcome to UiTM Shah Alam. Dapat jugak aku merasa belajar benda yang aku memang minat! (desperate mode: on).
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Tgh buat sifir sotong amende ntah. Senior suruh buat. Sporting je la kan |
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Ni mase program pemantapan wawasan. Our group 'Casa Grande'. Me as the team leader |
#5: Beraya
This seems a lil bit sad, tapi tahun ni la first time my bestfriends beraya kt rumah aku! hahaha. Agak sedih ye di situ. Tahun ni baru la mereka dpt beraya rumah saya. Salah satu kenangan bagus tahun ini.
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Shakirin's house |
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At my house. Camwhoring in my front of my parents |
#6: Kisah sebenar 'S'
This year aku boleh kate, all truth came out and penjelasan yang sebenar telah dibuat. Ini tentang kehidupan 'S'. S ni kawan saya sejak sekolah la, dia ni ok je mahakarya agung smua, tapi satu je kami tak puas hati pasal dia ni is that bile mane kami melepak bersama, dia mesti je ade hal la, nak kene balik awal la, mak suruh balik la, and sometimes dia cancel last minute. So disitu kami agak frust dan marah sehingga kami attack dia mcm2 dgn pelbagai andaian. But, bile saya bertemu sendiri dgn maknye, and baru la aku tau kehidupan dia yg sebenar mcm mane and baru la aku faham kenapa dia kene balik awal bagai. So, ini dikira sebagai peristiwa penting jugak la bagi aku because if la aku tak bertemu sendiri dgn his mom, mmg aku akan terus buat andaian mcm2 la sampailah skarang ni.
#7: Gadgety
Yeahhha! Tahun ni jugak menyaksikan aku memegang dua gadjet baru dlm hidup. Dua benda ni mmg aku idamkan dah sekian lama. Syukur aku dah dpt dah dua2 ni. Thanks a lot to my mom and dad.
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Galaxy Ace |
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Nikon D3100 |
Banyak sebenarnye kenangan dalam tahun ni, tahun ni menyaksikan pelbagai peristiwa yang menarik, sedih, and unexpected. We had witnessed revolutions beginning in many parts of the world, death of prominent world leaders, natural disasters menacing, and a whole lot more. 2011 is worth remembering.
See you next year
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