Ok, for this post saye nak cerite tentang Novel FIXI, straight to the point je- no kona kona, no gostan. Hahaha. Saya baru habis bace novel FIXI yg pertama saya beli dah lama dah, Oktober last year rasenye, and pagi tadi baru dpt habiskan, yela last year sibuk with assignments and all, so buku tu berkubur jap la kt dlm kotak. Time cuti sem ni baru geledah balik and ade time to read the book.
What is FIXI?
I found out about FIXI through tweets by Obefiend (yg author BlogSerius tu) talking about buku FIXI and how he love the book he was reading, and the book is in Malay. Saya pun macam, ok if he likes malay novel, then this FIXI may be something different la kot cuz dia bukannye jenis org yg bace novel melayu cintan cintun jiwang karat ni, cuz no offence, most malay novels are like so jiwang. So, I pun wanna give it a try la.
Anyway, FIXI: Syarikat penerbitan novel yang mula aktif pada tahun 2011. Ia memberi tumpuan kepada karya-karya baru yang bersifat urban dan masakini. Nama syarikat diambil dari perkataan Bahasa Indonesia ‘fiksi’ yang diambil dari perkataan Bahasa Inggeris ‘fiction’ yang diambil dari Bahasa Perancis Lama ‘ficcion’ yang diambil dari Bahasa Latin ‘fictionem’ … untuk menunjukkan yang tidak ada apa-apa yang original dalam dunia ini. Sasaran kami ialah untuk terbitkan sekurang-kurangnya satu novel setiap bulan.
Ok now on to my review of Ngeri:
Ngeri ni mengisahkan pasal 3 org student jurusan perfileman ni: Joanne, Samuel and Rehan. Diorg diberi assignment project to do a short movie, in which their prof, Professor Bazri Bakar must give approval dulu the scripts for the movie before they proceed for shooting and post production stage. So mereka bertiga ni pun buat la scripts after scripts, BUT smua direjectnye oleh professor ni dgn alasan, cerita diorg ni tak logic. Diorg ni buat genre slasher/pembunuhan yg melampau so the prof ckp, cerite2 cmni kalau buat kt negara luar masuk akal la gak, tp kt Malaysia..no no no. Seems a lil bit lame kan? but...the suspense is, their rejected scripts...became reality! So diorg ni pun gabra and nervous and mule la tuduh menuduh sesama sendiri bagai. Kes-kes pembunuhan tu disiasat oleh Detektif Lehad Razak and Detektif Chandran, diorg investigate until.....jeng jeng u gotta read the rest urselves la kan. Hahaha.
- Jalan cerita yang direct and penggunaan bahasa yang bersahaja, so mudah faham and easy to follow
- Cover buku yang cantik
- Pengembangan perwatakan yg seems okay, ade character development
- Elemen suspense yg menjadi
- Unique storytelling, sbb it doesnt go by chapter, rather the author gune teknik mcm ala2 diari gitu, where the chapters are repalced by Minggu and Bulan so kite mcm bace diari org la cmtu.
Minus points:
- Selain penggunaan teknik penceritaan konvesional, most parts of the novel dia gunakan teknik mcm graphical shit cmne nak explain ntah, ah, dia gune mcm conversation structure in email cmtu la. So, the novelistic value tu mcm..ek ckit la. I dont know about u guys la, tp its a unique way of story telling, but rasenye kalau byk sgt, it will seem a bit boring.
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This is what i meant by the email structure |
But all in all, this book is a good read la nonetheless. Something different rather than novel melayu cintan cintun budak setan ombak bagai. After this saya nak try baca Zombijaya plak, which is one of the latest novel in the FIXI series. Byk novel FIXI ni, tinggal nak pilih je.
So any of u yg berminat nak baca novel2 FIXI ni, u guys can get these novels kt Popular and MPH Bookstore (tmpt ni je yg aku tau ade la jual novel FIXI), priced at RM 20, which is kinda cheap already for a novel.
For more info about FIXI, you alls can log on to these webs:
Website: http://fixi.com.my
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BukuFixi
Twitter: @BukuFixi
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