Sunday, June 21, 2009

Checklist 1,2,3,4

things to get before going back to the Silvery Campus:
Category pertama: Clothing
1)T-shirts(lots of it!!!..ok la..dlm 4 0r 5 like that la)-junk food clothing-
2) Formal shirts(hmm…2 cukup la. Pakai sekali seminggu je pun)
3) A shoe(I was eyeing the ones yg mcm grungy punye kasut tu, tp mcm tapak senang haus jer. Dah la aku ni jenis jalan banyak)
4) Formal shoe?(Black leather shoe tu. Haruske? Actually nak beli ni pun juz because of the Majlis Penyampaian Anugerah Dekan tu je. Other days I tak pakai pun)- or should I juz pinjam from udin?
5) Jeans(haha..disebabkan saye ni ‘plus-size model’, hanya satu brande ni saje yg ada saiz saye-Dr Cardin. Which cost RM170 each)-mahal gile babi! Maybe sbb extra fabric kot. Hehe
6) Collared t-shirt?(haruske eh? I have like 7 already. Lagipun pakai pg class je. Hmm..maybe satu or dua sudah la)
7) Haha..paling ku suke..undies!!(boxers…nak yg ada muka spongebob tu..ngee)
8) Kalau ada extra moolah..nak beli one more sweater(It’s cold in the studio..)

Category ke 2: Toiletries
1) Shower foam( I love Palmolive aromatherapy punye. So the soothing one..)
2) Shampoo and conditioner(this time I want to use Clairol Herbal Essences plak. Goodbye sunsilk..)
3) Facial foam( slalu beli clean and clear…maybe nivea is better kot)

Category ke 3(Roommate punye favourite): Food stuffs
1) Maggi( asset penting ni…kena ada bodyguard jaga…)
2) Mcvities oat cookies( sedap gle! Dlm 10 minit boleh habis satu packet)
3) Jacobs Hi-Fibre( Buruan roommate2 ku yg tgh lapar)
4) Nescafe 3 in 1( Utk the sleepless nights yg bakal datang)

Category ke 4: Stationery
1) Technical pens!( asset paling penting ni, takde ni habis drawing takleh nak start…patah mata pen ni nangis tak berlagu la…)-each set cost RM96. So faham2 la bile dah patah.
2) Pens
3) Artline pens( smua artline ku hilang sem lepas gara2 terlalu nak rush berkemas kerana pak guard yg hatinye paling budiman di dunia ini menyuruh kami pulang ke bilik)-0.2,0.4,0.6
5) Glue stick( UHU punye)
6) Clear folder( to simpan the drawings..tak nak la jd mcm sem lepas, berterabur smua entah mane2)

I think that’s all…..-let me double check for a while-…….yeap. that’s about it. Kalau rase2 ada yg tertinggal, pandai2 la aku memikiorkannye..

0 go-sees: