Senario 1
Me: Umi, sabtu ni Ammar ade interview for, umi dtg ambik Ammar petang2 ckit la
Umi (my mom): Interview for what course?
Me: Mass communication.....
Umi: Mass comm? Kenapa tak apply something mcm architecture? tak rugi ke? bla bla bla (mom nagging)
Senario 2
Kawan: Mar, kau sambung degree ape nanti?
Me: Advertising
Kawan: Owh, fakulti mane?
Me: Mass comm
Kawan: Kau diploma dulu ape eh?
Me: Building
Kawan. Pergh! Jauh gileeeeee!
-saya terus offline-
Senario 3
Cikgu: How bout u? u sambung degree in what?
Me: Owh mass communication, major in advertising
Cikgu: And what did u do for diploma? (here we go again...)
Me: urmm..(mcm taknak jawab kerana dah expect reaksi yg sama)..urm..building. building construction
Cikgu: Wowww. So far???? (kan dah kate...)
Assalamualaikum dan hello to all of you guys! Bercerita tentang jauhnye, yeah still, Im gonna talk about my career path change that had shocked many people. Hahahaha. Yeah seriously, saye dah tak tau nak jawab ape dah bile org bagi reaction sorta like surprised, skeptical, shocked and mcm2 reaction lain towards my answer... 'Mass communication, advertising' and 'building'.
Career....omg, why do so many people associate career with the courses that we are taking in varsities. Ok2 betul, memang la courses tu semua utk menyediakan kite for our working life, but why constrict it? Constriction in the context of, ow kalau kau diploma accounts, degree pun kau kene accounts. Macam mase skolah kau class pure science, so you have to be a doctor or take medical courses ONLY bile sambung pengajian kt university. To me now, no. It doesnt matter anymore. Dulu memang, aku berfikiran bahawa jika kau belajar science, kau kene jd doctor/ jika kau belajar law, kau kene jadi lawyer/ jika kau belajar architecture, kau kene jadi architect.... tp skarang, tidak lagi.
Ok la, aku malas nak cerite panjang2 and meleret leret cuz nanti sampai ke bulan jadinye. haha..ha.ha..heh. My point here is that, most people, bile mereka dah masuk into this certain course, diorg dah tekad and dah sure ape nak jadi, for example...
Mr. Engineer: Saye masuk engineering kerana mak saye suruh jadi engineer, jadi, saye kene jadi engineer and therefore sebab tu saye masuk engineering
Ms Fashionista: I wanna be the greatest fashion designer, and I love fashion a lot, and that's why Im now in the fashion design course
Mr. Surgery Guy: Saye minat sgt bedah2 ni. Saye dari kecik nak jadi dokter. Jadi, saye masuk la course medicine ni utk mengecapi impian saye...
Ok now, so based on pertanyaan tiga individu diatas, mereka dah tau mereka nak jadi ape dan mereka masuk dlm course2 mereka itu kerana mereka dah tetap pendirian. Berbeza dengan saye...kalau anda nak tau, saye ni memang tak tetap pendirian. Kalau hari ni saye ckp esok saye nak pegi post office, tapi bile tibe hari esok, saye akan ke pejabat tanah instead (ok..that's not a good example). Ok senang cerite mcm ni la, saye mmg la pilih course utk kerjaya yg selesa, tetapi disamping itu saye tgk juge kurikulumnya, whether can it benefit me later in life IF saye ambil keputusan utk tidak bekerja dlm bidang itu. Faham tak maksud saye?
Ok cmni la, saye buke cerite la. Dulu mase saye diploma in building, saye ade la jugak minat ckiiiiiit dkt architecture. And ade pernah saye buat keputusan utk mengambil ijazah senibina bile saye dah tamat diploma..tetapi, bile dah lalui 6 semester, termasuk practical training, saye dah sedar bahawa saya tidak mempunyai jiwa utk bekerja dlm pembinaan ni. No soul at all...BUT, I never regret of studying construction. Sebab saye tanam dlm hati saye bahawa, ILMU...ilmu kite boleh gune dimana-mana utk ape2 tujuan (tujuan yg baik that is). Jadi, segala ilmu yang saye pelajari mase diploma tu, saye simpan utk bekalan hari esok. Same jugak mcm belajar dulu kt skolah menengah, saye dlm kelas pure science. But I still remember what is Bernoulli's principle, structure of unicellular organisms, basic chemical equations (basic je la, kalau yg equation panjang2 tu, harap maaf la aku nak ingat) and other science related stuff. Which mase diploma pun, I have to relate jugak ape yg I belajar mase skolah dulu dlm subjects2 diploma especially Building Science. So, do I regret studying pure science mase skolah dulu? Not at all.
Then, diploma habis, nak masuk degree. Saye mengambil keputusan utk tackle advertising plak. Disinilah saye frust menonggeng. Ramai question my judgement.... kate saye membazir mase la, rugi la saye belajar 6 sem diploma, rugi duit itu ini and other sorts of things. Tapi, knowing me, saye tak ambik kisah pun pandangan org, saye suke ikut kate hati saye. I dont give a shit what people think, cuz I have my own agenda. Setiap pilihan yg saye buat, saye ade reasonnye to why I made that decision. Saye tak buat decision secara 'eeny meeny miny mo' dan 'tutup mate dan pilih secara rawak'. No. Never. I always have a reason. Anyway....yeah, saye pilih advertising kerana saye ade agenda saye. Salah satunye, saye nak belajar cara2 marketing, handling events and upkan lagi my communication skill. Other than that, it will help me jugak nanti in the future when I decide to open my dream cafe. Advertising and marketing is verrrrry important for businesses, lagi2 business kecil-kecilan yang nak berkembang naik. So, boleh nampak tak rasionalnye disitu?
Selain itu, sekarang juge saye sudah ingin belajar memasak secara sendiri, mungkin nanti bile ade duit lebih, saye akan enrol masuk dlm kelas memasak. Kerana ape? The same reason I choose is for my dream cafe. Sekarang ni motivation saye adelah cafe saye tu. Saye nak jugak buke sebuah cafe yg menjual homemade burgers kepunyaan saye, seorang bumiputera. With cooking skills, I can invent a diverse menu for the cafe. Insya-Allah. And, with my knowledge in construction, I can plan my layout for the cafe, the suitable finishes to be used for the cafe, and dealing with contractors that are going to construct the cafe...
Suara sumbang: Ok fine la, kau nak bukak cafe whatever, tapi kau ade modal ke? Takkan kau habis grad degree nanti kau nak terus bukak cafe tu?
Saye faham pertanyaan awak. Saye akan kerja dulu dlm bidang advertising atau ape2 bidang je la (sebab skarang ni takleh nak memilih kerja sgt) dan akan start kumpul duit utk cafe itu. Tapi before ade cafe, it is best to start kecil-kecilan dulu kan... Maybe first saye akan set up la gerai kecilan dulu, then bile dah ade steady cash flow, and permintaan yg tinggi..barulah cafe tu akan dibangunkan. Itulah perancangan saye skarang. Insya-Allah jike diberi kesempatan.
Wowww..ini mmg dah jauhnyeeeeew. Dari cakap pasal tukar course, sampai ke cafe plak jadinye. Okla saye nak buat kesimpulan, dunia ni luas...ilmu ade dimana mana, dan Rasulullah S.A.W pun pernah bersabda, 'Tuntutlah ilmu sehingga ke negeri China'. Jadi selagi hidup ni, tuntutlah ilmu utk kebaikan agama, bangsa dan negara. Saye tak belajar kerana kerja...saye belajar utk kehidupan. The simplest things in life, can make a big difference in your life...Jadi, dont ever question people yg tukar course bagai kononnye jauh la whatever...sebab diorg ade reason diorg. Anda boleh menasihat, tetapi jangan menghina atau menjatuhkan. Ok? good....
*post ini bersifat peribadi ckit. Jadi maaf jike terkasar bahase atau termelalut sehingga ke negeri china :)
and maaf juge jika ade typo errors...hehehe