Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saya Gemuk, Saya Hodoh, Saya Pendek, Saya Segala Keburukan

oh tidak tidak. ini bukan entry yg membuatkan org bersimpati terhadap saya.
NO NO NO (ckp gaya kak fafau)

entri ni sebenarnye saye nak bercerita tentang perkara yg ramai tau and ramai juga yg mengalaminya..
Anda pernah diejek GEMUK?
Anda pernah menerima..'EE. KAU NI BODOH LA'?
Anda pernah dikatakan..'APSAL KAU NI TERENCAT SGT'?

yeap...kritikan, kutukan, whatever u wanna call it. smua org pernah dpt benda ni. unless kau muke budget model and very the even the most beautiful person in the world ni pun ada flaws dia. 
Nobody's perfect..ever heard of that?

yeap..(stop saying yeap so many times)..

To tell you the truth, saya byk menerima kritikan sebegini. well, to start things off, im a fat person. yes, i am fat. my current weight now is 120kg. so, hearing people calling me 'Gemuk!', 'Badan mcm badak!' and other hateful things dah sebati dgn diri saya. at first, mmg rasa sgt pedih when people call me those 'mulia' names. and at times i will cry...that was when i didnt yet developed....


yes people, self confidence. keyakinan pd diri sendiri sgt penting utk kite menjadi seorg yg lebih tabah, gagah dan berwawasan setia pelajar (motif lagu uitm).  tak kisah la kau gemuk ke, kau kurus sgt ke, kau pendek mcm dwarf ke, the main thing is..jgn biar org nampak kite as weak little beings. org yg tak mampu berbuat ape2. so here, self confidence takes its role. 

biarlah awak gemuk, tapi awak pandai menari, pandai bersosial, dan suka menolong
biarlah awak hodoh/muka penuh berjerawat, tp awak pandai menjaga hati org, pandai membuat org tergelak
biarlah awak pendek sgt/tinggi sgt, tp awak pandai mengaturcara sebuah majlis, pandai persuade people to do what they were told to

kite smua kejadian Allah, all were born differently with different traits and different physical capabilities. we shouldnt be criticizing it, we should be celebrating it.

ingat, self confidence tu sgt penting. bile ada keyakinan diri, nescaya org akan pandang rendah terhadap kite and memperlekehkan kite...

-spoken based on true stories-


3 go-sees:

KeY_riN said...

hebat...aku faham maksud entry ni sgt...

bunny love said...

aaawww ammar..
i soo understand how u feel :( sob100xx. aku pun slalu kne diejek gemuk, terencat tu xyah ckp r (dh lali), blurr (tp mmg blurr thap dewa ppown ngehngeh wuttodo2),bajet hot (laaaaagilah aku slalu kne bahaha)
but ammar, i like u just the way u are because ur my winnie the pooh! maaf but comel kooowttt~~
kalau bleh peluk, dh lama peluk muahahaha!! jgn bgtau nuar nnti die jeles kehkeh! alah kau buat dono je org nk ckp pe. klau die kutuk ke apa that means they're just jealous sbb xde life. ok comment ni sgtlah pnjg haha

Unknown said...

oh no....
aku tak kisah pun org ejek2. cuz skarang takde dah yg ejek. smua open and are very nice.