"Oh no, my result sux.... im so not gonna be successful"
"Result aku teruk.... aku malu sgt ngan korg. Aku tak sepandai korg"
"Im gonna kill myself before my mom kills me when she sees my results"
Results.... how it affects lives. perghh.. menakutkan.
Hai everybody!
ok takpe. This post is actually inspired by my friend. My high school junior to be exact. How he struggles to go through life when his SPM results are not so classy as others. Rejected by universities and it led him to cursing the government and being in a low self esteem position. Ni smua berpunca daripada.... result. Result exam to be exact.
My observation has seen (observation has seen? ape punye grammar ni?), ok rephrase. Through my observation, the sistem pendidikan in Malaysia is still exam oriented thus leading towards this 'result enigma' (enigma tu ape? aku main taram je letak) where the ones with tons of A's are considerably the ones to be successful and the least A's are considered not going to be successful and ending up keje in McD as a service crew for the rest of their lives. This scene has led to teenagers being pressured by their parents and teachers.
"You must get all A's! or else, siap la kau!"
Im not saying for all student to fail miserably in their exams cuz to me result bagus mmg sgt penting lagi-lagi keadaan skarang ni where employers nak cari pekerja result gempak-gempak je. TETAPI.... good results alone dont cut it. Tak cukup. Not enough. No es suficiente. Non basta. (ok ok. we get it. not enough. tak perlu la google translate 'not enough' ke byk bahasa)
Ok imagine, u dapat banyak gile A ni. CGPA plak 3.99 or 4 flat (perghhhh). then u apply for interview, dpt interview, dpt kerja. ok fine. then when the time boss bagi u kerja...... u have no idea what to do. Why u ask?? well one thing is, U STUDY FOR EXAM. It is important when u study, u study for life, bukan sekadar untuk lulus exam and good grades je. U will be astounded when u figured out u can use everything that you've learnt in ur daily life.
Seterusnya, apa lah gunanya CGPA tinggi tetapi u cant even communicate properly with ur co-workers/sub ordinates/ boss/ macai/ kuli. Communication is a realllly important thing because base on your communication skills org boleh label kau sebagai org jenis ape. Lagi teruk if you are anti-social. Colleague ajak makan pun u tak mau. Ajak sembang, langsung tak tau nak fit in. Kalau u in a marketing field, lagi la parah hidup u. U jd org yg membosankan and will die forever alone...
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forever alone...... kesian |
Soft skill ni memang penting doh. Cuz to me, ur soft skill akan reflect who you are as a person. Mcm2 skill la that u can acquire throughout ur lifetime, lagi2 mase belajar. Masa belajar la u can learn sooooo many things. And through my experience, I byk belajar through participation in activities and also through mingling with friends. Friends pun sumber utama gak tau utk u belajar mcm2 benda. so, bile kt universiti tu, jgn la berkawan with one type of people je. Berkawan je dgn mcm2 jenis org. From there, u can see how diverse people really are. Sambil u berkawan tu, kutip2 la knowledge drpd diorg. Ada yg pandai masak, pandai berlakon, pandai berkata-kata, pandai photoshop, pandai maths, pandai buat baju, pandai organize, pandai tipu (hey, ni satu skill jugak tau), pandai drift, and mcm2 pandai lagi la. When u acquire these knowledge from them, secara tak langsung ur resume pun akan jadi lagi exciting. And employers pun akan tertarik with u cuz u know so many things.
And lastly, benda yg paaaaaaling penting is EFFORT dan KEREDHAAN DARI ILLAHI. Kalau u asyik berdoa je tapi takde usaha, pun tak bleh gak..and if u usaha gile2 sampai kaya bebenor tetapi tak pernah ingat kepada Yang Maha Esa pun, tak bleh gak. so both of these elements go hand in hand. Most successful businessmen bukannye ada SPM pun, and ada gak cgpa yg rendah2, tetapi they dont care about that, they put in the effort to achieve their dreams, and most of them succeed tremendously. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan. Kite jgn nak mengharap kat org je untuk bagi kite peluang, kite sendiri yang kena cari peluang tu.
So, di sini saya nak menyatakan, yes of course your parents are going to be a lil bit disappointed when u get bad/ unsatisfactory results, sbb u dah membazirkan duit mereka yg menghantar u pegi study mahal2 and everything, tapi its fate u nak dpt result cmtu, so its ur time to make it up to them by living ur lifelong dreams and turn it into something useful that can make u and ur family live a happy life. Just go seek the oppurtunity. Peluang ada di mana-mana. Insyaallah.
So to sum up,
Good result + Soft skills + Effort + Keredhaan Illahi = Awesomeness
Good result + Soft skills + Effort - Keredhaan Illahi = Hell
Bad result - Soft skills - Effort + Doa = Papa Kedana
Bad result - Soft skills - Effort - Doa = Mayat Hidup
Bad result + Soft skills + Effort + Doa = Awesomeness