Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Those were the days..

This semsester break i habiskan mase dgn aktiviti yg berfaedah(tipu!!)..yeas, sgt berfaedah(tipu lagi!!). Routine harian- bangun, makan, main sims3, tidur balik, on9, tidur kul 5 pagi and the cycle goes on. hahaha. tapi bukan tu je i buat, i did some drawings and some perancangan for next semester. oh yeah, im learning to speak english in different accents also(sah sah takde keje kan?).

anyways, i was going through my hi skool stuffs when i terjumpa balik all of my exercise books(add maths were the most). tersingkap memori lama. mcm baru smalam i peluk miss mah(and it was a shocker!!)hehe. and of course, hi skool, friends are like the assets to me. those guys made my hi skool day meaningful. haha. sangat lawak bile dikenang balik. hem.... sgt rindu....

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