'Siyes? kau taw dari maner?'
'Yelar, aku pun tak tau ar'
mesti all of u guys pernah come across these 'misshy-gash' in a conversation. Yes, no problem there but, entah la. To me, it sounds like so retarded. Seriously. So annoying la these sentences. Patut la Bahasa Melayu like so downgraded. Org2nye yg menghancurkan sendiri. Ok, i know some might or will say to me...
'woi sial, suka ati aku ar!'
'mampos ah! kisah ape aku! ko sape nak betul2kan ni?'
Ok ok. All of you are right, mmg it is not wrong unless u can understand it isnt it? Tapi, urgh...to me, it's retarded and like merosakkan the whole struktur of bm. And yeah, it sucks. Why kena tambah the 'r'? Comel ke? And like the 'kowg' tu? Haruske gune w?
Ok...ok! Sabar ye sabar, saya tahu kamu sangat tidak setuju dgn saye, dan saye adalah seorg yg busy-body...
fine. whatever bitch. it's still retarded to me...
'wei kowg, hawt tak aku?'
1 go-sees:
ye la.. something mcm noying gak...
nape nak tukar tukar bahasa ibunda kitakan...
cintai bahasa kita, cintai budaya kita
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